Come back

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"Baby girl, where are you?" Steve ducks down to look under the couch. He straightens back up and peeks over the back rest, ignoring the giggling from under the coffee table and the naked feet that peek out from under it "Y/N? Come to daddy." Steve walks past the table and to the kitchen door. "Buck?"


"I can't find her. Are you hiding her?"

"What? Me?" Bucky looks at him with an amused smile while he packs the last bottles in Y/N night bag. "Daddy!" Y/N's naked feet pound on the floor, and she hugs Steve's leg: She's still giggling as Steve picks her up and looks her over. "I thought you ran off with your boyfriend. I'm glad you're not. I searched for you everywhere." He kisses her cheek and makes her giggle even more. "She will never get a boyfriend except of us, Stevie." Bucky comes up to them and blows a raspberry on Y/N's cheek. "I won't allow it." The little girl squirms in Steve's hold and tries to get away from Bucky and his stubborn, poking beard with hysterical laughter. "Papa berry. Stop." Bucky smiles and nuzzles her cheek with his nose. "No more raspberries?"

"No." Y/N pouts and shoves his head away with her little hand while she presses herself against Steve's shoulder. But just as Bucky backs down to pick up the bag, Y/N makes grabby hands for him. "Cuddle." Bucky laughs but picks her from Steve's arms. He watches Bucky interact with Y/N. A fond smile plays on his lips. His eyes dart to the clock on the kitchen counter and her curses silently. "Language daddy." Bucky smirks at him and Y/N laughs. "Lanage daddy." She copies and giggles in Bucky's arms. Steve heaves a sigh but he smiles. He stretches out a hand and caresses her cheek before he speaks. "Okay, okay. Now where's your elephant, young lady?" Y/N looks around but doesn't seem to find it. "Elli?" She calls but, of course, gets no answer. "Try my bed, Stevie. I saw her with it this morning as she came to wake me up while kicking at my stomach."

"Oh, that was hilarious."

"Glad you two had your fun." Bucky growls before he picks up the bag and carries it to the door. He sets Y/N down on the floor and helps her into her leather shoes before Steve comes back with her elephant. "So, baby girl. Ready?" Y/N stares at Bucky but doesn't say anything. Bucky picks her up nonetheless. He shares a quick look with Steve before he gives Y/N the pacifier that lies on the cupboard while Steve grabs the bag and together they leave the apartment. "Buck. Should we really both go?"

"Probably not." Bucky looks down at the little girl in his arms and places a kiss on her forehead. "I don't want to go either."

"It's a long time. We never left her for this long."

"I know. Max was one day. This is a week." Bucky sighs and places another kiss to Y/N's head. The girl looks up at him with big curious eyes. "Papa go?"

"Yeah sweetie. Remember, papa and daddy need to work. Aunt Wanda looks after you."

"No." Y/N pouts and shakes her head. The little pigtails Bucky made fly around her head. "We don't want to either, sweetie." Steve leans over and presses a kiss to her temple. Y/N continues to pout the whole way down to Wanda's place. Vision most likely will be there, too, so Steve figures Wanda won't be alone with Y/N the whole time. He really hopes that it won't be as bad as he thinks it will be. For him and Bucky probably more than for Y/N. And he prays for the mission to end quicker than in a week

All too soon they stand in front of Wanda's door. Steve knocks and throws a last look over to Bucky. He can read is expression like a book because he knows that he wears the same look on his face. The door opens and Wanda smiles at them. "Hey. You're already dressed?" She looks them up and down, her smile faltering a bit. She quickly directs her gaze at Y/N. "Hello Y/N. You're so pretty today." She is indeed. Y/N wears red pants and a little sweater with a cute brown bunny which chews on a too big carrot. Her pigtails frame her head nicely and makes her look like she glows. If you ask Bucky, he says Y/N is even beautiful when she drools all over him in her sleep and Steve is all too ready to agree. Wanda reaches for her and Y/N lets go of Bucky a bit reluctant. "Hello Wanda. Thank you for looking after her." Steve smiles at her kindly and peeks into her apartment. "You're alone? I thought Vision would be here, too."

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