Chapter Twenty-Three.

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•Alexander's POV•

It's been about ten or more years since that incident. Me and Thomas are now 27 and John's 26.

Luckily, Me and Thomas started talking more and fighting less and actually fell in love, which, might I add, John is happy about.

I wrapped my arms around my freckled fiancé and smile.

Me and Thomas proposed to him on the same day, but at different times. Thomas got him the classic diamond ring and I got him an emerald ring, that matches his eyes.

John giggled softly as I kissed the side of his neck, where I left.. something last night. "Hey, Lexi.."

"Hey, babyboy. Are you ready for tonight? We're going to see a movie!!"

"yeah! I..I'm excited.."

I grown. He's usually excited about movies.

"What's wrong, sweetheart..?"

"I dunno, I know.."

I nodded and hugged him tightly. "We love you, okay? Please try to stay strong for us.."

John nodded and kissed my forehead. “I will.”

“Good,” I turn him to face me and grabbed his waist, sitting him on the kitchen counter. “Can you believe we're getting married two days before Christmas?” (he was in his wheelchair, btw)

It's gonna be a private wedding. Just us three and a few friends.

“I know, I'm excited!” John smiled, kissing my cheek.

I'm glad I changed the way I used to be, I wouldn't have them if I didn't..

“Did you have fun last night?” I asked, teasingly.

John's face turns bright red and I chuckle. “How cute..”

I spread his freckled legs and kissed his inner thighs but then..

I hear Thomas come downstairs and I smiled and wave. He kisses both of us and hums, “How'd you two sleep last night?”

“Good.” John smiled, I nodded.

“Yeah, good.” I hum, rubbing John's thigh.

Thomas smiled and started to make breakfast.

John hopped down from the counter and headed upstairs. “I'm gonna go check on Philip.”

Philip is our one year old son, who we adopted. His eyes were brown like Thomas's, he had hair like John's, but his hair was Raven black like mine. I find it cute. A baby who's not related to us, looks like us..

John comes back downstairs, Philip in his arms..

He looked so happy to have a baby..

Eventually breakfast is ready and we eat and talk.

After that, we cleaned the dishes and got ready for the movie date.

We took John to his favourite restaurant, McDonald's, and then went to the store to buy snacks to sneak in.

Then we went to the theater.

I sigh as I closed my journal and looked over at John and Thomas, who were alseep. They looked so cute and peaceful. I set my pen down and walk over to the bed, laying next to them.

It seems like we all got our happily ever after..

                         🌻The End🌻

//Ahh!! Thank you all SO much more the love and support on this book. It makes me so happy. This is the last chapter of this book, but don't be sad!! I still have PLENTY of unfinished book and more are about to be published! If you want, go ahead and check out the rest of my books and comment 🐝 on the ones you want me to update! Thanks for all the comments on this book, they all made me smile and/or laugh! Mwah! Love you, honey bees. ~ Honey.

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