Deceive Part 3 ch 3

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"Deceive Part 3 ch 3"
At General Hospital-Skye and Tea and Genevieve and Lila Rae were waiting on news about Lorenzo and Mateo.Tea and Skye went to talk."This isn't good,This is a warning or another mob"Yes it is,I'll put extra cops on the children and you"Thanks "

At The warehouse-Julian and Alistair were talking."Are you going after Lorenzo wife and children too"No I'll leave them alone as long as they aren't in the business "This town is big enough for the both of us"No, Besides Lorenzo destroys you're sister,Took Nelle from her"As Ava came into the warehouse,'Uncle ,You're here"Yes I'm "What Are you up too"Don't worry about it,You're not in the business "No,But I'm a Mother and I hope this doesn't infect my children "It wouldn't "

At General Hospital-Skye was getting worrying about Lorenzo when Patrick came into the room. "Dr Drake"Skye look at him,"I removed the bullet just like I did years ago.Lorenzo will have some brain damage but he made it "Thanks you Dr Drake "You're Welcome,Lorenzo will have to have more surgeries "Of cause"You can see him"Girls come on"Skye,Don't you want to see him first "Alright "Skye left..

Tea was worrying about Mateo when Dr Webber came by."How is my brother "In sorry but Mateo didn't make it"No! Tea yelled.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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