I let out a small laugh and got into my car hurrying before Ace tried punching his way through. I started up my car and drove to the other side of the lot slowing down and rolled down my window and shouted out to Ace.

“Ace, man I didn’t know you and Jimmy were a thing now why didn’t you tell me?” I asked laughing and his eyes widened as he registered everything processing it.

“Dude you’re okay,” he said letting out a breath looking relieved

“Yes Im fine and Im still alive don’t worry and seriously though I didn’t know Jimmy was your type,”

“Oh fuck off, I thought it was you, I just wanted to make sure I was in your will,” he said smirking

“Yea im sure, though just so you know you’re only getting 10% of my shit,”

“That better be a lie I should be entitled to at least half maybe even more,” he said as he walked to his car and I followed him slowly driving next to him

“Nah im being honest,”

“We all know you’re like a mini devil and by the way you’re smoking hot girlfriend texted you. Just saying I’d definitely fuck her bro so nice job with the girl. See you at home,” he said and tossed my phone into the car as I glared making him laugh and he ran off to his car.

I quickly scrolled through the messages rolling my eyes annoyed at Ace but griped the wheel a little harder as the jealousy coursed through me because of this friend guy named James. Now I know Im probably overreacting but whatever I don’t really care she’s mine and that’s all.

I know Im probably stupid thinking it but what if she actually want this James guy I mean he is there after all and Im not. What if they fuck? She is high after all. I know its not my place to tell her not to get high when Im still doing it and im not sure if this relationship means no fucking either. Like I know I wont I wouldn’t want to fuck anyone but her, but does she?

I shook my head at the though and finally drove back to the house and walked inside seeing Ace already seated with Brooke on his lap and the rest of our friends sitting around.

“I’ll be back down in a bit, what are we doing today by the way?”

“There’s a party at Marco’s if you want to,” Ace said shrugging trailing his hand through Brooke’s hair as she laid her head on his lap. I thought about it for a few minutes and honestly I felt really exhausted.

“You guys can go Im really tired may have done a lot at the gym,” I said and Ace nodded as I made my way upstairs.

I quickly showered and laid myself on the bed tired as fuck and thought that maybe boxing today wasn’t my brightest idea but whatever. I may feel physically tired but for the first time I don’t feel like im dead or something lying around for a week is terrible, especially in the summer. I rolled over getting my phone as I heard it buzz.

Really Austin? Ah shit what did I do?

What’s wrong babe?

Don’t play stupid I saw the messages

Im sorry I went to the gym Kay

That’s not what Im annoyed with and wait you went to the gym? If she isn’t annoyed with the going to the gym shit then what is it I don’t think I did anything else wrong to be honest.

Then what are you mad about? And yes I went I feel a lot better so don’t worry

The picture? James? The messages ring a damn bell? Fuck Ace

Babe that wasn’t me trust me please

Well if it wasn’t you then who was it?

It was my friend Ace and he’s really perverted obviously. Trust me please it wasn’t me though I don’t get why you’re mad about it anyways. Thinking of ways to murder Ace

Im not mad just annoyed can you delete the picture and your friend is really fucking perverted

Yea ik lmao xD he’d probably suggest a threesome if you were here and Im keeping the pic

What why? And no not happening

Because you look really hot in the pic I typed back and scrolled back to the pic quickly saving it.

Fine keep it but I want a pic in return I laughed softly and scrolled through the pictures of me and finally picked one sending it to her

Satisfied babe?

Very so how was your day baby…..

And from there continued out 5 hour-long conversation. Now yes I wish that she could have been in my arms instead, I wish I would be able to hold her and wake up beside her but I new that if I wanted that with her eventually that this will have to suffice. Im not really minding the distance as much as I probably should to be honest and it’s probably because I know Im going to do anything I can to keep her as mine even if it means keeping this long distance until we finally meet. I just hope it happens soon because as much as I like staying up all night texting, laughing and smiling with her my battery always runs out eventually.  e.e

So tell me waht you thought as usual and sorry not updating so much /.\

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