Chapter 10 - Gym, Sex, Ambulance

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Dedicated to my friends @Dem4Guys you guys are my bitches v.v
since its a joint account ill say thank to all of you individually:

Axel- Thank you

Keegan- THank you

Jesse- THAnk you

Hunter- THANk you

xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD

Hey Guys Happy thanksgiving hope you all had a great thanksgiving. Was going to upload this yesterday but decided not to lmao.

Im putting this out there just cause someone had asked me if i write the the heated scense or the ones that come really close to sex i do not write those v.v

My friend writes it for me that little freak lmao but yea whatever shes read those types of books and so she writes them for me I just fix them and add shit or take away some lmao.

*********Warning RANT and SEX:  there is sorta sex scene not really actually like barely but i still dont want people telling me shit like its to dirty or whatever if it is dont fucking read it damn. Plenty of other books for you to read you dont need to take the damn time to tell me its to fucking dirty like what the actual fuck -.- whatever if its to dirty for you you can skip those parts or just not read i frankly dont give a shit.********Rant over ttyl babes

Chapter 10

7 Years Ago

“Get in,” James simply said not even bothering to help. I rolled my eyes and dragged Austin into the car opening the back door and getting in with him. I sat with him in the back to make sure he didn’t stop breathing or anything and then looked up at James and nodded for him to go.

“Damn Ace the fuck did he take and what did you two get yourselves into?” he said as he started driving

“He doesn’t know what he took. Just that it was a pink pill that Aiden gave him,” I said monotone looking out the window

“Then how am I supposed to know what to do,” he said and shrugged

“Well you’ve consumed more drugs than anyone I know so just figure something out,”

“I don’t know what he took but I’ll help okay,” he said and looked at the mirror catching my eyes with his the gray of his eyes trying to look for some forgiveness in mine like he’s been trying to do for a long time now but he can fuck off for all I care. I looked out the window again and looked up at the dark grey sky and sighed thinking about how many things can go wrong.

“So how have you ummm… been Ace?” James asked drumming his fingers on the wheel looking at me through the mirror

“Just peachy,” I said rolling my eyes

“Oh ok,” he stated and the silence crept in again, “How’s your mom?” he quickly brought up

“Haven’t seen her in almost five years, though she’s probably better without us anyways,”

“Why what happened?” I gripped onto the seat annoyed as fuck since this is the fourth time I have to go over the same story with him.

“Oh Im sorry that’s right I forgot that you were getting high when I was busy going to jail doing your job as the protecting father,” I said gritting my teeth

“What do you mean, what did you do Ace?”

“Nothing much really just beat up moms boyfriend and maybe almost killed him, sadly I couldn’t because mum pulled me off. Why was she protecting him? Who the fuck knows?!” I exclaimed annoyed

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