Chimes of the Past

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"Wait... so... you-mean-" I stutter.

"That's right. I've been a Knight at this Academy ever since I've been accepted," his last words took me aback, and I stared at him in shock.

Without thinking I turned around and said, "I-I'm sorry. I... I have to go," I ran off. He's been a Knight since he joined? How is that possible? And at such a young age! Is he really that powerful? How is it possible to get 100% on both exams, their extremely hard, even for me!

I keep on running until I reach the path to the school, and then run inside to my dorm room, where I lie down panting on my bed. This has to be a dream. I'm gonna wake up tomorrow morning and know this is all a dream. All a dream.

Only a dream...

~ ° ∆ ¢ ∫ ¥ * ¨ * ¥ ∫ ¢ ∆ ˚ ~

"Lucy!" Mommy calls to me from outside my bedroom.

"Yes mama?" I answer while playing with my doll my mommy gave me for my birthday. She's my favourite doll, and her name is Gonzales! I really like that name.

"Auntie Emma is here to see you," I gasp happily as I run out the room to look up at mommy with big wide eyes.

"Really! Auntie Emma's here?!" I say very happy. I love Auntie Emma! And she hasn't come over in so long!

Mama nods with her pretty smile and tells me to go into the living room to find her. I hug my mama and thank her before running off into the living room. When I open the door, I see Auntie Emma sitting on our red couch talking to daddy, her brother. I giggle and run up to her and give her a big hug.

"Auntie Emmy! Auntie Emmy!" I yell while squeezing her tightly. I like calling her Auntie Emmy, it's really fun!

Auntie Emma hugs me back softly, almost like mama, and says, "Well, aren't you as excited as ever."

I look up at her and smile a lot while giggling. I love Auntie Emmy! She's my favourite Aunt in the whole world! Well, she's also my only Aunt, but I don't care! That's why she's my favourite!

"I have a surprise for you!" she says with a pretty smile. Then I jump off her and wiggle excitedly staring up at her.

"Really?" I ask cheerfully. She nods and then pulls something out of her purse. It's a wrapped present! And it's really pretty!

"This is for your birthday sweetie," She smiles while handing it to me. I take it from her with a thank you, and sit next to her to open it. "Ten years old is a big girl now, so I bought you a gift that I thought a big girl would like. Now that your ten, it's like your all grown up, so I'm not going to be treating you like a little kid anymore, okay?" I look up and nod happily before completely unwrapping the gift. Inside, I find beautiful wind chimes. The chimes themselves are gold, but all the decoration is pink, even the string! And there's a little pink key at the end of the middle chime.

"It's so pretty!" I say and smiling really brightly. I hug my Auntie and then run towards the door.

"Where are you going?" she calls. I turn around before opening the door.

"I'm going to hang them up outside right away! I wanna hear their pretty sound!" And then I ran out into the hall. Once I made it to the garden, I took one of the tea-table chairs and climbed on that to hang it from the porch. I got back down and let the wind do the rest of the work for me. They start hitting each other gently, each making such a beautiful sound. I love Auntie's presents, she always gives me nice things. But of all the presents I get, none of them compare to my family.

I go back inside and run to my room. I wanna make Auntie Emmy a card to say thank you for the present. I take out all the materials needed and work hard on my card.

• • •

When I finish, I go back out into the hall and open the door to the living room. But when I look inside, she's not there, and neither is papa. I walk back in the hall to see one of our servants walking too. I go up to them and ask if they saw Auntie Emma and papa anywhere. They tell me they went to the garden, and I thank them cheerfully before running that way.

I open the door yelling, "Auntie Emmy! Auntie Emmy!" But my voice dies out the moment I see what's on the other side.

And that scene, is what changed my life completely.

~ ° ∆ ¢ ∫ ¥ * ¨ * ¥ ∫ ¢ ∆ ˚ ~

I wake up with a gasp, trying to catch my breath as I stand up in a panic. That was a dream. And whatever there was before definitely was not. I pant a little more before I realize that I'm grasping my necklace tightly. The one that I usually hide under my shirt. I don't know why I carry it around, it's just a reminder of that awful day. But still, I feel like it's a part of me, I can't let it go.

The necklace that I'm wearing, is a golden chain with a pink key. The one off of the wind chimes I got that day.


Sorry for the short chappie! It's late, but I really wanted to finish it! I hope you liked it nonetheless! I'm hoping this won't happen, and don't worry, I won't put this story on hiatus or anything, but I've had a very busy school year, so the updates might be a bit slow, sorry.

I really hope you liked my story! And Happy New Year!


Star in the Knight (A LoLu fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora