Americano: Part 2

Start from the beginning


"Oh God..." You are not a prude by any means...but this cannot be considered art.

"He calls it, "Glistening Poison," isn't that so poetic?!" She is swooning...actually swooning.

Shakespeare is quaking in his boots.

"Yes....poetic....what is it that he is trying to say exactly?" Before you can glance at Sharon for her answer, Chad has appeared and is shoving his tongue down your friend's throat. You tilt your head to the side with a look of disgust.

That can't be enjoyable.

"'Glistening Poison' is the culmination of my life's work Lili..."

"It's Liliana-"

"Whatever, it's me saying...yeah sure you have the power of the pussy but in the end your wet mound is nothing but a crippling disease...a weakness." Sharon swoons. You gag.

"Wow.....genius." You are disgusted and the sarcasm dripping from your mouth makes Chad want to pour his vodka cranberry all over your pretty little head. He won't though, too many people with a lot of money here to purchase his photographs. He can't risk it.

Instead, Chad takes a step towards you, dragging Sharon with him because he doesn't give a shit if she hears him, and whispers into your ear, "Why don't you go fuck yourself Lili...since no one else will."

Your eyes narrow as his putrid breath wafts into your face. He really is the most vile creature this Earth has to offer.

"Lovely. Sharon are you coming with me or going?" You ask kindly but you already know the answer because Chad has already dragged her off before she can answer for herself.

You are left standing there wondering why you even bothered to come here but your friend needs your support and so you take in a deep breath and walk over to the bartender.

"Tequila, neat." The bartender raises an eyebrow at you but you throw down a twenty dollar bill and he grabs top shelf without hesitation. You know if you are going to get through this night, you are going to need something of the buzz inducing kind pulsing through your veins.

The bartender hands you your drink and you take a sip like it's water. You leave a decent tip and walk along the gallery to find that he is the only featured artist this evening.


Chad probably bought the entire thing out because he knew that if anyone else had hung up their work it would have taken attention away from his own. Chad did not like to share.

You have seen about four vaginas now when you decide it is time to take a break. You're not exactly sure how any of these people can stand there pretending like this is actual art work and actually purchase any of this nonsense but you'd seen a couple of horny older men writing checks and handing them to the art dealer.

Taking another sip of your drink, you head outside and thank God that it's not too hot but not too cold. The weather this evening is just right. The wind blows through your hair causing the black tendrils to drift across your face and you hate that you didn't bring a hair band like an idiot. It isn't called The Windy City for nothing.

"Liliana?" You are frozen on the sidewalk at the sound of the voice calling your name from where you just exited. You spin slowly around and find a familiar face.

There he is. In all of his glory, Harry has appeared as if out of thin air, wearing a silky long sleeve shirt with a pearl necklace tickling his collar bone, and you don't stop yourself from walking up to him and pinching his arm.

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