Author Note

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Hello, my readers it is Peterpaneverfails here with news about this story. I am going to do a rewrite for this story with a whole new summery,but with some of the same characters. Not every character will be kept,but a good handful will still remain. I am doing this rewrite,because I no longer enjoy the direction this story is going plot wise, and I have grown as a writer since I have started this story. The rewrite should be up in the coming weeks, but for now here is the new summery:

When they received the invite to attend school in Auradon all of them knew that this was going to be when they were going to get Fairy Godmother's wand for their parents. However, their plan soon takes a nasty turn after their attempt to free their parents with Fairy Godmother's wand lands them in a mystery town with look alikes of their parents, and no clue how to get home.

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