chapter 6

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Annabelle P.O.V.

After Cruella came back with the others we left to dinner.The dinner began normal with us just learning more about their world as we ate.However near the end something none of us ever thought would happen actually happened.They told us they have legal guardianship over us now so we will no longer live in Auradon but with them in 'Storybrooke'. Then proceeded to tell us how life would be for us there on the first few days and some changes we will be seeing right away. After they told us that dinner was already finished so they decided to leave any futher discussions on the matter there for the night.They said their goodbyes before we all went to the room us girls shared to discuss our new found information.

"So that was news..." I said as we all entered the room.

"That is putting it lightly Belle."Evie said as she took a seat on her bed with Craig.

"This is us leaving with them!! Who knows what could happen to us there! We can die of get hurt or come close to death or..."Elizabeth said as she paced around the room frantically as she listed off worst-case scenarios.The others joined in listing off more worst-case scenarios.This would of went on for days but I knew that they had to see the good side to leaving instead of just focus on the worst-case scenarios.

"Guys stop."I yelled out before they all went silent."Yes I admit all of those things can happen but you can not just focus on that.You have to see there is good in this as well."

"And that is?"Elizabeth said as she stopped pacing and took a seat on her bed,tapping her foot now repeatedly on the floor.

"We no longer have to steal the wand."I said,everyone looking slightly relievedat the fact we nor longer needed the wandbut still partially skeptical."We only had to steal the wand to avoid getting punished when they send us back to the Isle, however if we don't go back to the Isle we don't have to worry about stealing the wand and the punishments that come from not doing it."The others agreed on what I said so I continued."And we won't be sent back to the Isle because they no longer have guardianship of us. So to wrap it all up we do not have to steal the wand."The others take a moment to let the information sink before their skepticalness about stealing the wand was gone."And isn't that enough to out weigh any of the worst-case scenarios?"The others seemed to still have doubts but agreed none the less."Good,because we only have this chance to escape our parents."Silence fell upon the room for a moment before Evie broke it.

"And from Regina's actions along with the others they actually care for us enough to least get a chance from us.If anything at that we can always leave if anything goes wrong."Evie explains,we all agreed.It was true we will always have each other even in this new living situation.

"And we do have something they said to look forward to."Ipa said taking a seat on her bed with Afi.

"True."Yakko admits as he takes a seat on Elizabeth's bed along with Wakko.Silence fell once more before it was broken once again.

"So as a group we agree with not fighting aganist leaving with them rather choosing to leave anyway?"I ask sticking my hand out for them to put their hands ontop in agreement. Evie puts her hand on top first, Yakko second, Wakko third, Ipa fourth, Afi fifth, Elizabeth sixth, and finally Craig seventh. "What are we?" A smirk now dawning my face as I look at the others.

"Rotten to the core." Everyone but Craig says as we lift our hands into the air.

"Good, now as much as I would love to talk more we do have to turn in for night so you boys have to leave." I say noticing the time on the near by clock read ten.

"True but who says we can't spend the night here?" Yakko reasoned, he was not correct by any chance and Evie made sure he knew so.

"All the facility, staff, royals, and Fairy Godmother." Evie said answering Yakko's question despite it being rhetorical. In return everyone gave her ether an 'who cares' or 'that's the point' or 'we are evil' look.

"Anyway." Yakko began nowproceeding fromEvie's comment. "No one says not to so we must have a sleepover."

"Okay than who sleeps where?" I ask, already knowing we would have to share beds tonight.

"Wakko and Elizabeth can bunk together, Craig and Anna can bunk together, Afi and Ipa can share a bed with one another and Evie andI will be sharing a bed." Yakko explains with a huge grin,probably happy about bunking with Evie. This of course lead to a fight between Yakko and Wakko over the fact Yakko got to sleep with Evie but after agreeing Wakko couldsleep with her next time the argument ended and we were all right to bed.

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