Chapter 8

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Alexander P.O.V.

After stepping out the portal we were greeted by a world that left us all speechless. There was green grass, trees with leaves that ranged from many colors, bears eating fruit from trees, fish swimming in clear blue water, birds flying through the air and some resting in nests. It was better than anything I could have ever hoped for.

"Well, it seems like our new homes is everything we wanted and then some."Loki said, everyone agreed with him.

"And the first thing we need to do in our new home is to gather supplies." I began. "Everyone ten and above go and gather supplies for the building, and everyone between seven, and nine go gather anything we can eat, and some firewood. Those under seven stay here with me and help keep guard of all of our possessions. When enough supplies have been gathered we will move onto another course of actions." Everyone quickly agreed before setting their belongings down and beginning to do the task they were given.

"I will watch the little ones, you go supervise the others who are collecting supplies." I told Loki as I went over and took the wagon's handle from him. Loki nodded before collecting those old enough to collect supplies, and heading off with them. As I began to tend to the babies Riley came over with Fredrick.

"What are we going to get supplies for the babies? As far as I can see there is nothing of the sort anywhere around here." Rhiley said to me as he set down Fredrick next to me. After taking a quick look around I had to agree with him, there was no way to get baby supplies here. We would have to use the portal gun to head somewhere that has baby supplies.

"We will send a group out to get some of those once the supplies are gathered."I told him, he nodded, sat Fredrick down next to me, and walked off leftward.

"Well, I guess you are stuck with me Fred." I told Fredrick before I turned my attention back to the babies once more.

Annabelle P.O.V.

The next morning as we slept a knock came and interrupted our peaceful slumber.

"Fairy Godmother do not come in we are awake." I called out to her on the other side of the door. I then proceeded to fall back to sleep but soon the door was opened, but instead of Fairy Godmother entering our parents did.

"Darlings, it is time to get up."Cruella's voice said from somewhere in the room.

"Five more minutes Ms. De Vil." Wakko said with a sign.

"We do not have five minutes to give you children." Maleficent voice said sternly.

"Is it because we have classes today? Because if it is then we can show up late if we want." I said as I repositioned myself on my bed.

"Or how about not at all?" Afi asked probably smirking.

"You children are not allowed to skip or show up late to school on purpose." Regina told us in a stern mother like tone."However we are not short on time for that reason, Fairy Godmother has informed us the portal we need to use to get to Storybrooke will open at noon in the place it open last time. Meaning we have until then to get ready to leave."

"Uh fine I am getting up."I said getting up out of bed. The others did the same as well, some not as happy as others.

"Get dressed and packed after that meet us at the cafeteria we will be having breakfast there today."Gothel said before leaving the room with the others.

"Well, we might as well get to our room so we can change and pack our clothes." Yakko said.

"See ya at breakfast." I said to the boys as they left the room to get ready.

A Plan Gone Wrong-Hiatus-Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin