chapter 4

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Mother Gothel P.O.V.

After learning about how villians' children were treated,and informing the others we all left our children for a minute to discuss what we learned with King Adam and Queen Belle,which happended to be during a meeting with the other royals of this place.

"If it isn't our visitors,what brings you here to our meeting?"King Adam asked as we entered angryly.

"We came to talk to you about what could have possible driven you to feed children on the Isle of the Lost old and rotten food and send them old stuff as well!"Regina speaks angry.Every royal but King Adam and one older woman seemed shocked by what Regina said.

"Oh that,well we have to do that for expense costs."King Ben said making up a terrible excuse for why they did it rather than just lieing about doing the action all together.This just shocks and horrifies the royals even more.

"You have to be mad to believe that you did not have money to spend to provide for children on the Isle.You have over twently kingdoms worth of money to use for food and provisions.You just choose not to and use excuses to makeup for it."Chesire Cat rants angryly.

"We all gave you money so you could provide for Isle of the Lost,what did you ever do with that money?"A royal who I am guessing is Sulton Jasmine,due to her looks and offit,asked angryly.This was now no longer just simple giving them old food and provisions but now not using the money that should be used for it on something else.

"Have you forgotten all that their parents did to us?!"The older woman from before who was not shocked as everyone.She then turned to turned to Chesire Cat."All those from Wonderland put Alice through true madness."She then turned to Cruella."Cruella from our world,along with Jasper and Horace,tried to make hundred and one Dalmatians into a fur coat."Cruella rolled her eyes at her counterparts stupidy for even attempting to do such a thing,as the woman looked onto a woman who I am guessing is Moana."Te Fiti took her heart out in a quest for power(A/N: I changed this story so now Te Fiti removes her heart in a quest for power and Moana have to team up with Maui to put her heart back in putting her back in her green form and back to sleep.However it was taken and she was woken when she was banished to the Isle.)."She then turned to another older women in the room."Mother Gothel kidnapped your daughter,keeping her in a tower forever as she lead her to believe Mother Gothel was her mother in order for Mother Gothel to use her to remain young."She then turned to Snow White,or least what I am guessing is her based on how she looks just like the stereotypical Snow White."The Evil Queen tr-"Regina cut her off this time.

"Tried to be the fairest in the land by trying to kill Snow White with a huntsman then a posion apple?"Regina asked getting shocked looks from everyone,not one believing that someone from a different world would know what happended."It is a movie from our world."The royals seemed to want to question what she meant about 'movies' being about the story but none did instead the older woman continued.

"And because of Maleficent I missed out on my daughters first words,first step,first everything.I missed out on sixteen years of her life.There are many more examples of when these villains have wronged us all to why that money was not used on them."The women finished.The royals talked amoung each other in responce before Regina cut them off.

"Before any of you say anything let me ask you this,were the children who inhabit or inhabited the Isle even born? Or are they being punished for something that dates them?" Regina asked.The whole room fell silent for a moment before someone spoke.

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