Chapter 10

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After hours of watching over those who were too young to gather supplies Loki returned with the others, each holding a various amounts of different supplies.

"We have returned my love, we were able to gather enough supplies to last us for least the next two weeks, along with enough building materials to be able to build us a home." Loki said as he came over, and place a kiss on my cheek.

"That's good to hear, good job everyone." I told those who gathered the supplies with a smile. I then turned to congratulate those who stood behind before turning to face those who gathered the supplies. "Take a seat with those who stayed behind we have enough supplies to move onto our next curse of action." Everyone, but Loki went, and took a seat next to those who stood behind. Once they did, Loki, and I moved to stand in front of everyone. 

"My fellow villains" Loki began."We have gathered enough supplies to move onto the next course of action. It is time to build our new home, but before we can start building we have to vote on what w are going to build."

"The options you guys can vote from are a ship, a tree-house, or combine the two, and build a ship in the trees." I began." The option with the most votes will be the one we build, but take in mind you will only have one vote, and we can not build the other option once we have started building the option that won. Now are there any questions?" No one moved to ask any questions so I continued on. "Since there are no questions we can start voting now. If you want the first option stand up, if you want the second option raise your hand, and if you want the third option do not move at all." There was a few moments where no one moved, too busy deciding the option they wanted to vote for, but soon they began to move. A few of them stood up, around thirteen of them did not move at all, and them raised their hands. 

"It seems that we have a clear winner." Loki began. "We are going to build a tree-house. However, before we can begin building we have to decide how many rooms we are going to need, what those rooms will be used for, and who will be building. We are obviously going to need to share rooms, but this time we will only have up to six people share one room. With that in mind we will need to build at least fifteen bedrooms. Aside from bedrooms we will need to have a large kitchen, four bathrooms, a guarded storage room, and a large living room. With the rooms in mind we will have to choose who is going to build. For safety reasons those below seven will not be allowed to build, also Lincoln, Leo, London, and Linka, you four will not help build as well, instead you four will be watching over the ones under three while Alexander watches over the supplies." 

"With all of that said those who are old enough to help with building follow Loki, he will go over what part you will be doing when it comes to construction." I began. Without a second of hesitation those old enough began to follow Loki as he went over their roles, and how each role will come together. Once they were out of sight I turned to Leo,London, Linka, and Lincoln. "You four can take them now, just make sure not to wander off to far."  

"We won't." Leo, Linka, London, and Lincoln said all at the same time before grabbing the little ones, and walking off to find somewhere to watch over them at. Once they were far enough I turned back to the ones still remaining. 

"The rest of you can mingle among each other while the others build our new home." I told those remaining. They seemed to be fine with it as a minute later they were all playing with each other, some staying where they were, and others going somewhere close by. Not having anything else to do I just decided to take a seat as I kept  close eye on everyone.

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