27 : Happiness and Joy!!

Start from the beginning

"Well, technically speaking, that's the land we once stood on before I blindfolded you. We walked up that and came here. I figured it'd be the perfect spot to watch the sunset with you."

"But isn't it going to be hard getting down without the sun?" You questioned looking down the cliff you stood on. He chuckled and pointed his finger to the other side, and once you took a look at it, you burst into laughter. "Only you, Kyojuro, would find that amusingly fun looking." You knew what he planned on doing. He meant to slide down the slick part of the mountain, with you at his side. It would be both fun and less time consuming, so you supposed it would be fine. Happily, you sat and let your feet dangle off the edge of the cliff.

"I have something for you, Snowball." He pulled something round out of his pocket, but you couldn't tell what it was due to the wrapping it was in. "I've been wanting to give it to you since I got it, but I wanted to wait until today." He smiled brightly and handed it to you.

"Why today?"

"Eh?! Don't tell me you forgot what today is..." he grumbled but perked right back up, "It's your birthday, dummy. You can't be 17 all your life." He ruffled your hair, basking in the subtle changes in your expression. You smiled kindly, turning to face him, and began unfolding the cloth that wrapped the round object and found a sword guard that matched your breath style. It looked like a bunch of interconnected threads spread out like the web of a spider. Your eyes got teary as Kyojuro sat in front of you, touching the bottom of your hands. "Happy birthday, (L/N) (Y/N)." He placed his forehead on yours and felt the warmth of your tears leak through your hands and onto his.

"I-... Thank you... Kyojuro... I'm... so glad you remembered..." you pulled him into a tight hug with your arms wrapped around his shoulders. It seemed to surprise Kyojuro, but he soon fell into your touch and wrapped his arms around your waist.

The two of you sat like that until well after dark. You could see the lights of the village down below, and decided they would begin to worry if you weren't back soon. Slowly, you pulled away from him and helped him to his feet. Then you put your foot on the slick part of the mountain, and felt Kyojuro wrap his arms around your waist from behind. He sat down, pulling you into his lap and leaned backwards, beginning to slide down the slippery rock. You let out happy squeals, almost masking the ones Kyojuro let loose. Hearing his shouts of happiness made your heart swell. You almost didn't want to reach the bottom, but then again you did so you could put the guard on your sword.

After reaching the bottom, Kyojuro picked you up onto his back since your feet were in... not so good shape. "I'm hungry!" He shouted while holding your thighs tightly so you didn't fall. You chuckled and kissed his ear sweetly. His tender ears immediately went red as he clammed up.

"What are you waiting for? You said you're hungry, right?" You giggled and clung to him tighter as he began running at full speed towards the village. Once you made it within the city, you were immediately greeted by Tanjiro and Mitsuri who separated you two.

"Rengoku-san really does have a soft spot for you." Mitsuri giggled and wrapped your slightly cut up feet. You blushed and looked away.

"That flame boy has no such thing as a soft spot." You grinned and peaked your eyes open towards her, "Other than his ears." The two of you giggled together while Tanjiro and Kyojuro spoke about sword technique. He was his Tsuguko after all, what could you expect. You let your feet dangle off the side of the wooden porch and laud down staring at the stars. "Snake boy has the same soft spot for you, Mitsuri-san." You glanced over at her and noticed the bright red face she hid under the moonlight. You sighed and turned your gaze back at the moon. "Have you ever thought about how melancholy the moon really is, Mitsuri-san?" You questioned, changing the subject. You and her didn't fight... But you also didn't necessary get along. "After all, it has the sick pleasure of watching humans get slaughtered every night... It has to be sad... Watching the death of so many... Just because if couldn't shine as brightly as the sun..."

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