Chapter 18 - The engagement party

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Angie seemed to be getting better and better as Jeremias was there for her as much as he could.

I know... I probably sound really pathetic by talking about myself in third person, but Angie loves Jeremias... Or maybe she actually loves me, she just thinks she loves Jeremias... Whatever!

The engagement party will be on tomorrow and I'm really nervous about that. I love Esmeralda... This is not the case... Or it is? I don't know. But I feel shitty... This is what I'm 100% sure of that.

- German... Get yourself together and this time focus on your engagement and marriage for god sake! - said Ramallo at one morning when we were drinking coffee in the kitchen.

- I will, Ramallo... I will... - I muttered.

- No, you won't - he groaned then walked away and I just realized Jeremias has to be in the Studio soon too so I got ready and left the house around 10 minutes after Vilu and Angie.

----- TIME SKIP -----

At the Studio when I arrived I heard Angie and Pablo arguing again in the teacher's room so I went in to see what's really happening there.

- I told you that this will happen again! German doesn't care about you at all! - said Pablo.

This is not true!

- Pablo! I just need a friend now and yet you keep shouting at me! - Angie cried and it broke my heart to see so I interrupted.

- Pablo, don't you have class now? - I asked awkwardly, trying to get rid of him and it worked because he soon left the room.

- I can't stand this... - Angie cried - He was my besz friend, but thanks to Jackie I lost him too! I don't have anyone anymore!

- How about me? - I asked her as I walked closer to her and hugged her tightly.

- I'm sorry, Jeremias... I just want my best friend and my brother-in-law back...

- You'll get them back... Because they'll realize they're making a huge mistake...

- Maybe...

Later we talked about the engagement party as well. I told her that I can't go... Well, Jeremias can't go because he has an important business to do outside the city.

- I guess I won't go either... - Angie sighed - But I don't know honestly...

- Don't go if it makes you upset - I said and kissed her head.

- But what will Vilu think?! She'll think that I don't want them to be happy!

- I don't think that's true...

- I'm so confused!

- But I love you!

Angie looked at me, surprised for a seconds then just giggled and hugged me more.

- Thank you, Jeremias...

- You're always welcome... - I smiled.

----- TIME SKIP -----

2 days later the engagement party's day has came and as I expected Angie was nowhere to be seen in the house, but I couldn't be mad.

- So Angie didn't come, huh? - mumbled Esmeralda - She clearly doesn't want to see her family happy at all!

- She didn't want to come... There's nothing wrong with that - I groaned as I looked at her sternly.

- German... Don't you think this is...

- No. Stop care about her this much and focus on our day now... - I said as I kissed her head then I went to my room to get ready.

For some reason I have a feeling Esmeralda hides something from me as she wanted Angie to be here so badly. Maybe she wanted to make her jealous, or something like that.

- Angie didn't come? - asked Vilu when the party was starting.

- No, she didn't.

- I wonder why... I hope she's okay.

- She... She told me that she has some business to do... And that's why... She didn't come... - I said.

- You seem hesitant, Dad? Are you sure this is the only reason that she didn't come??

- Yes, Vilu - I nodded, but honestly... I wanted to see her, but I couldn't. This party took all my time away today and I couldn't see Angie the whole day.

This is the first time when I feel like I might really am gonna make a huge mistake by getting engaged to Esmeralda...

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