Chapter 15 - Girlfriends

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I went home after that awkward meeting with Pablo and Esmeralda was waiting for me.

- German! - she gasped when she saw me at the door and jumped into my arms.

- Ah, jesus! - I laughed as I caught her - What is it, Esmeralda? Why are you so excited all of a sudden?

- I'm jut happy to see you, my love!

Yes, German and Esmeralda are officially dating. I am not sure if this was a good idea and I'm so confused as well. I don't know what to do with her and with Angie. I love both of them and I want to make both of them happy.

- I'm happy to see you too... - I smiled softly and she kissed me. I felt my heart racing, but I didn't feel as good when Angie kisses me, but... It was good too.

----- TIME SKIP -----

That evening I was just laying in my bed, staring at the ceiling. I just couldn't sleep. All I could think of was the ladies I am with: Esmeralda and Angie.

Firstly there is Angie. She's nice, beautiful and we have known each other for 2 years. I think I fell in love with her from the very first time when I saw her in my office, but that time I didn't know who she really was. We soon become close and I fell in love with her and so did she. I know she fell in love with me as well, she just didn't want to admit it.

I did all I could to make her admit her feelings for me, but instead she left me so she didn't need to face me every day. I felt so hurt, but when she came back I was really happy and I decided to keep my distance so she won't leave me anymore. I did all my best, but I just couldn't stay away.

And then she told me she has a boyfriend... Pablo... Even though they weren't together at all, but she kissed me at the Studio anyway which was one of thr best moments in my life. After that I decided to do what I can just to kiss her.

And soon my time came... Atleast I thought... But instead I got a glass of water into my face which was a bit funny too.

And the next day it happened... I kissed her. I didn't let her avoid me. I thought she will push me away, but she didn't. She kissed me and I loved it. I loved it and I loved her. I knew I could do anything for her.

But then Jade told everyone the truth... That Angie was actually Maria's sister Angeles and I got so mad that I threw her out.

I was hurt. She lied to me and made me fall in love with her, but soon I realized it wasn't her fault since no one can choose to fall in love with someone... It just happens...

When everything became calm I decided to confess Angie my feelings, but whenever I was near to say it I messed it up and I said some really stupid things that I shouldn't have.

I'm so pathetic...

And then I met Esmeralda and something caught my attention in her. That she's so much like Maria... Her attitude, her kindness and everything and I guess I fell in love with her, but I'm not so sure about that.

She's kind and she helped us out. She supported me when no one was really there so I owe her for that. I owe her with everything because she's still beside me...

But then again... My old feelings for Angie is coming back when I'm with her as Jeremias.

But Angie likes Jeremias and hates German. So what can I do now? I really don't know anymore...

----- TIME SKIP -----

The next day I went to the Studio, totally out of my mind and when I was in the teacher's room Pablo and Angie was arguing again, but I wanted to stay out of it now.

- What do you care about my life, Pablo?! You're only my friend when you have time for that! - Angie snapped then she walked up to me and said - I thought about your question...

- You did?

Ah, the question...

- And I say yes... - she smiled then walked out.

Pablo looked at me coldly and I just stood there with a huge smile across my face for long seconds before I went after Angie and when I caught up with her I pulled her into me and kissed her passionately on the lips. Luckily no one really noticed it, except Jackie and Gregorio.

Gregorio was shaking his head in disgust while Jackie was grinning at us as she walked into the teacher's room.

So it's official now... Angie and Jeremias are dating... What the hell am I doing with my life?!

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