To Tortuga

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(Jayden's POV)
It was now night time and Will and I laid on the deck, stargazing with just my shirt and shorts. The breeze flowed over my body and sent a familiar chill up my body, I looked at the stars recognizing some constellations. "Before my mother died," I said, "She told me the story behind why stars exist." I looked over to Jack who was busy by himself making sure the ship sailed in the right direction. "My mother said that the stars were gods or other supernatural beings. Humans owned the day and the gods above owned the night, and every night they would choose one person to send a gift to in the form of a shooting star." We watch a bright shooting star shot by, above us in a flash, almost like it was planned. "I wonder who they gifted tonight." I said "What type of gift do you think it is?" Will asked "My mother said it could be any type of gift, a gift of wealth, a new person in their life, a solution, or even love. I saw many shooting stars pass by but, never knew if I really believed if it was true. Either that or the gods above just never chose me, maybe all this time they've been choosing Jack. Would explain all of the random luck he's had."

"Aren't you glad your not a pirate though?" Will asked me "No, my job as a hireable is even worse. Why do you always sound like being a pirate is a bad thing?" I asked, not all pirates were bad people they were just misunderstood. "Pirates kill innocents, they steal what is not theirs and have no sense of honor." "Will, not all pirates are like that at first." "How can you say that? They took Elizabeth! An innocent!" Will said rather still distressed.

"Pirates are still people Will... they're just... damaged people. Jack truly gave his heart to the sea and became a pirate when he lost both his mother and father when he was 7, I was a bit luckier and lost my mother at 8, a tragic event caused him to run out to the sea. Pirates aren't just pirates because they love treasure and sail the seas. Pirates were good people raised in a terrible environment. Good people forced to kill and steal money at a young age so that they could get by, and eventually when they are older think that treasure is what would make their life complete. That's why they're so hell-bent on finding it." "So, you think pirates are good people?" "No, pirates are horrendous people. What I'm saying is don't judge them just by their title, chances are they been through a hell lot more than you... and that's why they're that way." I said looking at Jack as I saw him down some rum.

I saw him nod acknowledging my opinion. "We should go to bed Will, we'll need rest before Tortuga." I laid down on the blanket that was on the deck and grabbed my cloak bundling it up to use as a pillow. "Goodnight Will." "Goodnight Jayden."

Throughout the night I tossed and turned unable to sleep. Usually the rocking of the ship would send me straight off to bed like a baby in its cradle but that didn't happen. I felt a shiver down my spine as a cold breeze hit my skin, I was still a bit cold since I was only wearing a shirt and shorts using my cloak as a pillow I couldn't feel it's warmth. "Are you still awake Jayden?" I heard Will groggily say softly. "Yes." "Unable to sleep?" "I'm afraid so." I replied "How come?" He said still half asleep "Usually I could sleep like a baby on the deck of a sailing boat but unfortunately my brain is still running wild." I felt another shiver as the breeze hit again, and a hand brush against my skin while resting my hands on Will's chest letting out a sigh. "Your skin is like ice, you're cold."

Will sat me up and wrapped his cloak around me making our bodies wrap around each other making me feel his warmth. Will slowly laid us down as we both had arms around each other for warmth, and he rested his chin on the top of my head saying softly to me. "Try to sleep okay? You're safe with me." I questioned why he was doing this no one had ever done this before and it was way too intimate for just friends, and didn't he have Elizabeth? "Jayden go to bed." I heard him say again. I relaxed my body and laid my head on his chest, sinking into his touch. Closing my eyes I inhaled his scent of floral cedar wood, he made me feel safe and comfortable, something I had never found with any other man.

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