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Back in Asters POV by the way!

We keep walking and it seems like with each step Finn's grip on my hand tightens. The twins are in the front of the group, i'm not even sure they know what happened just a short amount of time ago.

After what seems like forever we reach a river, it might not be the cleanest water but it'll do jus to atleast wash faces. I sit on the edge and clean the tip of my arrow that killed the boy, Raven had retrieved it for me because having all the weaponry we can is crucial. Finn comes to sit beside me and wraps his arm around my waist.

"Darling," he starts, pushing my hair out of my face. "I love you" He tilts my chin up to his face and kisses me. It's soft, but passionate and quick but feels like all the time in the world has stopped as the sky begins to dim, and the faces of the tributes are displayed. I watch knowing it's going to break me.

The boy from three.

The girl from five,

The boy from seven. The boy I killed. My heart drops and I stop breathing.

The boy from ten.

The girl from ten.

"Ten." Reed says. "That's all that's left."

Later, when the twins had gone to sleep and Finn was on his watch I was leaning against him when it hit me.

"Finn." I turn around.

"Yes dear?" He asks

"We have to go."


"There's only ten of us left, when it comes down to it they will kill us."

"Darling..." He looks around and leans into my ear. "They won't touch a hair on our heads." His voice is crisp and raspy, he needs to sleep but he won't, he's too protective. "Trust me." He kisses my cheek and on my neck then looks at me and nods I nod in return. I don't know how he's so sure of this but he's never lied to me so I feel as though I can believe anything that comes from him. I lean into his shoulder and he wraps an arm around me.

"Sleep darling."

With that, i'm out like a light until I hear leaves moving, ive always been a light sleeper, i wake up at the slightest sounds. I can still feel Finn next to me so I know he's okay, I open my eyes and he's staring intently towards the tree line, spear in hand, I begin to reach for my bow and see Raven and Reed pull knives from their belts. They really do have our backs, good to know. Finn stands up spear at the ready when a small girl, no more than four foot eleven appears. She has firey red hair I know immediately it's Elizabeth. I draw my bow back.

"Now now..." She begins "What would your mother say?" She questions.

"Mother isn't here."

"Aster." Finn puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh good thing we're a team huh?" She holds up Haymitch's gold bracelet from my mother's last games, this is the same way Finnick got my mother to trust him.

"What the hell..." I say pulling back harder and Raven steps to my side with a knife in hand.

"Where'd you get that?" She asks not batting an eye.

"Ladies please." Elizabeth lowers her arm "your whole 'team' and I are very close friends. Right Finn?" She walks right up to Finn and places a hand on his chest. I move faster than ever to pull my ring from my pocket and slide it onto my finger.

"Sorry." I say sliding between them moving her hand off his chest sliding my left hand to his shoulder. "Don't know if you caught the memo, being a ginger and all, but we're engaged." I sass. She just rolls her eyes at me, ive got to work on my temper.

"Darling." Finn whispers into my ear "She's.....important to us." he places a hand on my waist. 

I whipped my head around to him and he raised an eyebrow I dropped my weapon and asked her what he plan was.

"There's only ten left besides us five, Aster you're going to pull a Katniss. Go rogue piss off the capitol. You might not know it but it's in you, it has been since you were young. They've been watching you. Waiting for this moment. All you have to do is take it into your hands."

She holds out her hand to reveal a mocking jay pin, not my mother's obviously because I have it but it's identical. She also has a copper wire. I take a deep breath and grab both. I tie one end to the pin and the other to one of my arrows and put the arrow back into my pack which sits on my hip. She nods clearly proud of herself.

"Good. Reed?" she asks "Come with me. Raven Stay with these two?"

"Woah." Raven grabs her arm "How about I go too."

"Oh no that's wont be.."

"I wasnt asking." Raven cuts her off.

"Go raven Aster and I will be okay." Finn tightens his arm on my waist. Elizabeth allows Raven go with her to because clearly it would've ended in a fight, and everyone knew who would win. I don't know what her plan is but Finn said i could trust her, so i'll do my best.

They've been gone for an hour and i've heard three canons, with each one i get scared but Finn reminds me they're careers. The sky is beginning to dim which mean that the fallen tributes will be announced soon. I hope to not see Raven or Reed's faces.

"Okay.." Finn says standing "go up there" he points to the top of a tree....they really want me to go full Katniss Everdeen.

"Okay." I give Finn a kiss

"I love you darling" he says

"I love you." I begin my climb to the top of the tree take a deep breath and pull the arrow from my side.

"Finn!" I shout and he turn his head up towards me

"just....back up, please?" I ask with tears in my eyes. if something happened to him because of this I don't know what i'd do with myself. Finn nods and takes a few steps back but still where he can see me.

I load the arrow into my bow and pull back hard, waiting for the tributes to pop up, the second they come on it'll be electrically charged, Betee taught me that when I was young. I hear the national anthem begin and the symbol of panem appears, I pull back as hard creating as much tension on the bow as possible. I take a deep breath, release and close my eyes. Hoping the last shot the capital got was the mockingjay pin.

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