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"Our turn?"

"Well, sweetheart your parents are victors, so now it's your turn to be reaped basically."

I froze. I think I stopped breathing, I couldn't handle this I ran. I ran out the door until I couldn't hear my moms screams. I came to a stop when I got to the forest I leaned back against a tree and cried for I don't know how long until I heard a twig snap and I jumped up, I grabbed a stone but I didn't know what i'd do with it.

"Woaaah, take it easy." It was Finn, typical. I sigh and drop it at my side and sit back down.

"hey." he says


"You okay?" He sits across from me.

"I mean I basically just got my death handed to me, but other than that i'm peachy!" I say with a clear fake smile

"no you didn't, you're smart you were about to throw that rock at my head" he says with a laugh trying to cheer me up.

"Finn it's MY death. one of us is going to have
to come out of there and if it comes down to it it's going to be you." I say and begin to poke at the rocks by my feet.

"Aster," he picks my chin up with a finger and I look at his soft deep brown eyes. What am I saying? this is my bestfriend.

"We will be okay. WE will be okay, huh? sound good?" I nod and then what happened next I never could've predicted, Finn put his hand on my cheek and leaned in and kissed me, it wasn't just a friendly peck, this kiss was a long time coming. My lips seemed to fit perfectly with his, his hand ran through my hair and when our lips parted our foreheads touched and we both smiled.

"We'll be okay" I said to him.

"Yes we will." he smiled and kissed my lips once more.

After he'd done this he grabbed my hand and we walked home. We were walking home when those peacekeeper people jumped out of their cars again and came running towards everyone, Finn grabbed my arm and turned us around and we ran the opposite way which would take long to get home but it was safer. We went running and when we got home our parents were closing all the blinds shutting the curtains and told us to hide and not come out until they came for us. Although as usual I heard the conversation.

"Bring us the children"

"They're not here." tbis was my mother's voice.

"Your boy he has to be here he is always with the girl."

"I don't know what you're talking about" This time it was Finnick, in his normal calm charasmatic voice.

"Move." Then I heard a gun poke Finnick in the back.

"Oh wow, aren't you fancy you know this makes it really easy to...." then from what I could see Finnick slipped his hand under the gun and flipped around pointing the gun at the men.

"On your knees." He stated. "I SAID ON YOUR KNEES!" Finnick commanded, I heard the keepers get down and give up their weapons to the adults. Then an ear piercing bang followed and I began to open my mouth to scream but Finn covered it, and within seconds my dad appeared to where we were under the bed

"Hey kid"

"hey yourself" I said as he pulled us from under my bed. I walked into the main corridor where they were dragging the peacekeepers to somewhere I didn't know. The sight made me sick, I turned to bury my face in my father but I got Finn instead, which wasn't a bad thing it felt nice to have his arms around me, it felt safe. This was probably the last time i'd feel safe for a while.

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