VI: End of the Day, Come and Take my Arm

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The sound of rain clashing against the window is what wakes Jungkook up the next morning. It is cold and everything he sees around is gray. He moves his arm, reaching to the other side of the bed, looking for something that he knows he won't find. From how cold the sheets feel, Jungkook guesses Yoongi's been up for a while. He stirs a little, stretches his legs and his arms, feels as the tension slowly breaks away from his tired muscles. The weather is cold and is the perfect setting for staying in bed, Jungkook thinks for a minute that he can give himself that pleasure at least for an hour or two. It has been a long week after all.

He turns his body around, lays on his front and breathes in deeply, wanting to return to the land of dreams. His eyes close and he's just about to fall asleep when his mind asks if Jimin had also woken up yet. Right! Jimin's at their home, Jungkook should be making boiled eggs or cooking french toasts. He should be preparing breakfast as a good host would do, he is the one who invited him to Seoul and to stay with them in the first place.

Almost in a rush, Jungkook gets up, his eyelids still feel heavy with the remains of unfinished dreams but he forces himself out of bed anyway. He doesn't know exactly why but he feels oddly relieved today. Deep down he knows it is because of what Yoongi said last night. About wanting to go see Kim Namjoon. Jungkook knows he should not put his whole faith into this, he should not trust that this will be the solution to all of their problems but he is a young guy and he dares to dream. Maybe Kim Namjoon won't be the solution to all their problems but he will help Yoongi and that alone makes Jungkook happy.

Yoongi- his Yoongi- deserves to smile again. To see the sunlight during the days and the shining stars at night. Despite the mood he has been in lately, Yoongi is a good person. Jungkook knows that all too well. There is a reason he has dated Yoongi for so long and that reason is that he is as beautiful on the inside as he is on the outside. His handsome face and attractive physique are merely a reflection of his big heart and his wonderful soul. Is because of these last two that Jungkook loves Yoongi so much. The same reasons why he wouldn't picture himself without Yoongi. Not any day for the rest of his life.

It takes Jungkook a few minutes to wash his face and get himself a little more awake, he thinks of what he can make for breakfast when he steps out of the room. The hall is not really quiet. Soft voices reach Kook's ears as he approaches the kitchen. He knows he shouldn't do it and yet he starts walking on his heels so that his steps can not be heard. He knows that whatever Jimin and Yoongi are talking about is not his business and he should not eavesdrop. Yet he lets his back hit the cold wall and flexes his head just right when he reaches the kitchen entry. He really should not listen and yet he closes his eyes trying to keep his reproaching thoughts silent as he hears the conversation.

"I really don't know what he's waiting for" Yoongi says, Jungkook presses his hands against the wall behind him. They're most definitely talking about him. "Maybe he doesn't want to go"

"He does want to go, Jiminie" Yoongi contradicts "He's barely home lately and when he arrives is usually in the company of his workmate" Jungkook doesn't even need to see him to recognize the heavy and sad tone in which Yoongi talks. He wishes Yoongi was lying but unfortunately he is not. Jungkook spends a lot of time with Tae and he often returns home with him because he hangs out with Taehyung after work almost every single day. Is not healthy and deep down Jungkook knows he's hurting Yoongi a lot but for some reason whenever the clock hits the end of his shift and Taehyung asks him to hang out, he never says no.

"Do you know the guy?" Jimin asks, there's a silent pause. Yoongi has met Taehyung before, Jungkook wonders if he still remembers him from his company party. "Yes" Yoongi says moments later. "If you saw him you'd understand why I don't want to get in the way" Jungkook frowns. "What do you mean, hyung?" Jimin sounds stunned by the answer and quite frankly, Jungkook is too.

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