ct-17 The end of the beginning

Start from the beginning

Another one. Viktor had taken another one.

He ran out the room with Katherine, as Viktor threw a dagger that grazed his cheek. He slaughtered as many men in black as he could.

The castle gates would be guarded by the men in black. The only way they were leaving this castle alive was through the princess' secret tunnel.

They made their way there, blood dripping from Kai's cheek. It was dark in the tunnel but they felt their way out. Once outside the castle gates, the question of where to go was written in their eyes.

There was only one person Kai knew in the city.


Esther sat in a large room where the summit was held, Nesta and captain Mateo standing on both her sides. The Kings of the other five kingdoms were seated too. They were all seated in a circle, with
considerable space separating them.

King Ghandu of Baros, King Eshu of Mohja, King Ferdinand of Embberdale. The three kings of the kingdoms across the sea sat furthest from her.

King Cedric of Guresque and King Ronan of Belvedere sat closest to her. Beside them were one or two men, ready to defend them should a problem arise.

Except Ghandu who believed in the might of women. Beside him were two women with long curved swords and short tribal wear.

The elf knelt, chained to the floor in the middle of the circle. Everyone looked to him.

"Amazing." King Cedric whispered.

"Has he given you answers for his actions lady Queen?" Ferdinand asked.

"No. Even under severe torture." Esther said.

The Kings all looked to themselves.

"I suppose that's good news gentlemen." King Ferdinand said.

"I beg your pardon?" Esther asked, confused as to why this would be good news.

"Well you see, you wouldn't understand little Esther." King Ferdinand said.

Little Esther?

Esther saw Nesta, from the corner of her eye, reach for the hilt of her sword.

She saw the way the guards of the Kings gripped their swords as though preparing for a fight.

King Ferdinand looked to the other Kings as though asking for permission to do something. Then he got up, making Mateo and Nesta even more tense.

"And that's the problem, you'd never understand." King Ferdinand said as he walked and crouched before the elf.

Something wasn't right here. They all knew something she didn't.

"And Babayega needs someone who understands." King Ferdinand said.

The Elf suddenly lifted his head when he heard Babayega's name. Esther immediately remembered that the elf had mentioned Babayega. And Katherine had told her about how the ancient books described him as evil.

What the hell was going on?

"You know Babayega?" Esther asked.

King Ferdinand put his fingers on the elf's chin and lifted the elf's head up slightly. Then his black eyes looked directly into Esthers brown eyes.

"And he knows you." King Ferdinand said as he slit the elf's throat with a dagger she hadn't even seen in his hand.

Esther leaped off her chair sending it clattering to the ground. Everyone remained seated and calm. Nesta and Mateo were suddenly in front of her.

MALAKAI (The 'Mala Series' book 1)Where stories live. Discover now