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I watched Benji hold Nova in his arms and it was a pretty sight . Nova was just smiling and giggling as he played with her . I noticed something was missing and it was Ms. Fiancé .

"Hey baby ." She said and I chuckled under my breath and she looked at me with a mug .

"What's funny ?" She asked and I looked around . Yeah this broad must not know me .

"I was laughing because I was thinking of you then you popped up . That's all ." I said with a shrug and she rolled her eyes before walking to Benji and sitting beside him with his food .

Riley walked over before sitting by me .

"Don't worry about her . You know deep down Benji still yours ." Riley smiled and I just shook my head . Although me and Benji wasn't together , I knew he could never get over me and same for me . I wasn't even over him .

I watched as Benji started feeding NovaK some of his food . I went to go throw my trash away when I turned on my heels and bumped into somebody .

I chuckled as I looked at him .

"I'm sorry Mali ." I said and he chuckled .

"So you remember my name ?" He asked and I shook my head .

"Yeah , you remember mines ?" I crossed my arms and shifted my hip .

"How can I forget yo name Miko ?" He asked and i chuckled .

I was about to walk away but he softly grabbed my arm .

"I seen you again so what about this number ?" He asked holding his phone up .

I crossed my arms before sucking my teeth . I grabbed his phone before punching my number in and he smiled .

"Can I get a hug ?" He asked and i stared at him , I was real hesitant but did so anyway . I inhaled his scent and he smelled so good but I was used to Benji's smell . Weed and cologne.

I gotta get over this man . I walked away and Kairo looked at me with a 'who dat nigga' look and i laughed .

I grabbed Nova's juice and walked over to Benji before giving it to Nova .

"Who was that ?" He asked and I waved it off .

"A friend ." I said with a shrug and he nodded before he gave Nova a fry .

"Are you sure it's not your boyfriend ?" Ivy asked and i sucked my teeth .

"I would know ." I said giving her a fake smile and she returned . Oh yeah , ion like this bitch . I looked at the time before sighing .

"Well it's time for me to go ." I said as I reached for Nova and I saw the sad look on Benji's face . I know he was sad that she was leaving .

"Can she stay with me for the night ?" He asked and I looked at the kids as she cheesed .

"Yeah . I'll bring her by . Just send me your address ." I said .

"Yeah . Send her our address ." Ivy said and Benji looked at her confusedly before we exchanged numbers .

I grabbed Nova before putting her in her stroller . I grabbed her bag before walking off to the truck . I barely got Nova anything but I'll be back .

I walked to my truck and unlocked the door .

"Want me to help you ?" I heard and I turned around seeing Benji .

"Uh , you can ." I said and he nodded .

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