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I woke up to feel pain in my side . I winced as I wiped my eyes . I looked around and I did not recognize where I was but I knew how I got here .

I lifted my shirt to see that I had a bruise on my side . I rubbed my belly , praying that my baby was okay .

The doors opened revealing somebody I never wanted to see again . My Uncle Pablo . I rolled my eyes in disgust of him being in my presence . He smiled before bending down to my level .

"You've become so beautiful ." He said as he lifted my chin . I didn't dare look him in his eyes .

"I know what you want and I don't have it ." I said and he chuckled .

"Come on now Miko . I know you know where it's at . Let's just make this easier on you and me . I don't want to kill you but if I need to , I will ." He said and i rolled my eyes .

"I told you I don't have it and I'm not telling you where it's at ." I said adamantly . I could look right through my Uncle Pablo and to me it seems like over the years he's become a weakling . Now my Uncle Pablo was willing to kill anybody but I see now he doesn't have the balls anymore .

"I want you to know their gonna come looking for me ." I said and he chuckled .

"Yeah they are . I already called your father and he's very angry with me ." He said and I kept quiet . I just hoped they could hurry they ass up so I can leave . I'm fucking starving .

"So I see your pregnant . Was Benji happy ?" He asked and i raised a brow .

"How do you know about him ?" I asked and he smirked .

"Let's just say me and his uncle were partners but not anymore now that he's dead . Hopefully your dad brings Benji along ." He smiled and I grilled him with my eyes .

"If you touch him I swear ." I said .

"You swear what ?" He asked and i rolled my eyes .

I looked around the room as he paced the floor talking my ears off . Since I wasn't handcuffed or nothing , I took my chance and grabbed his gun from his waistband . I pointed the gun at him and he looked at me .

"Miko , I advise you not too ." He said and I closed my eyes . I was not about to be like those white people in the movies who talk to much and end up messing up their chance to kill the bad guy .

Shooting my Uncle Pablo , he stumbled back , shocked at my choice . I shot at him again and he fell to the ground making a loud thud . I dropped the gun before turning around only to be punched in the face . I fell to the ground before I saw Tessa and everything went black .


"Okay so did he tell you where she was ?" I asked Luis and he shook his head .

"No . Knowing my brother , he's probably anywhere in Cali . We have to find her immediately ." He said as he walked out .

"This is some bullshit . I swear after this , I'm out of this shit ." I said as I palmed my face .

"Bro , if I lose her or my fucking baby I swear I'm turning into the fucking devil ." I said to Brandon .

"Man come on ." Brandon said and I walked out Luis office to see him talking to the guards .

"Aye , Luis let me see that number ." I said and he told me it was back in the office . Walking back inside , I picked the phone up before unlocking it and going to the recent calls . Seeing the number , I wrote it down on a piece of paper before walking out .

I walked out the door and got in my truck before going to the warehouse . I was gonna have Kel track this phone number and I hope his ass find something .

After about 40 minutes of driving , I made it to the warehouse before hopping out and Brandon was right behind me . I walked through the doors before walking into the meeting room seeing Kel typing up something on the computer .

"Aye I need a favor ." I said as I slid him the piece of paper .

"What you want me to do with this ?" Kel asked .

"I need you to track down that phone . Miko got kidnapped ." I said .

"AGAIN ?" Polo came in and I sighed .

"Yeah nigga again ." I said and he took a seat before Kel typed up whatever he was doing . The whole time , I was in deep thought . By all the shit Miko told me about her Uncle , the nigga dangerous .

I was worried about her and my child's safety . I don't see why she just wouldn't move back in with me .

"Got something ." He said and I looked at the computer .

"What nigga what is it ?" I asked .

"She in San Jose ." He said and I frowned .

"Why the fuck he take her all the way out there ?" I asked and he shrugged .

"Tell the guys strap up and get ready to go ." I said as I stood up before walking out . I walked in the gun room before loading up . I was not playing about my shorty and this Pablo nigga had me fucked up .

The guys came in before loading up and I sat my guns in a duffle before taking it to the van . I was in a rush to get her back to me safe and sound .

𝐓𝐡𝐮𝐠 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝟐Where stories live. Discover now