Part 1: The Desperation

Start from the beginning

John looked at the group and counted four people in the group.

"Where do they put it?"

"I don't know, but they're keeping me in business. Plus, they can really hold their liquor. Especially Tracey."

"Tracey?" John looked back at the group of people who were unable to keep their voices down and saw a woman with blonde hair. It was radiant, and shined with the lights. Her eyes were gems and her skin was-

"Yeah, the redhead over there who's gonna come over here soon to ask for a round of shots."

Oh my bad, I talked up the wrong girl, author's mistake. He then looked over at the ginger who sat in her chair, she was beautiful. Her beauty was incapable of being matched, and he found himself staring at her. Her beauty was more natural, she didn't need to rely on makeup to be pretty, she just-

"Shoot, did I say redhead? I meant the brunette."

Are you shitting me? I'm sorry, I haven't told this story in a while, but when I do, I forget the fake-outs. Trust me, once you get past the first part, it gets a lot better. It's a favorite of mine, a classic. The point is, the girl was hot. I'm not gonna sit here and use fancy words a third time to describe this girl, okay? She had brown hair, green eyes, a pretty face and she was hot, okay? Out of the three women, she was the best looking.

Anyways, the group of four people was comprised of the three women, of which I've all described by now, and their gay friend, Brian, who wasn't quite out of the closet yet. He knew he was gay, but he wasn't comfortable saying it around other people. His friends knew, of course, they had been friends with him for years, that's some intuition you pick up on. Also, the redhead walked in on him jerking off to some hardcore orgy porn with like 15 men, so, it's an understatement to say it was obvious. She told her girlfriends, the blonde and Tracey, expecting that he would come out of the closet soon, but he didn't say anything about it. Tracey, the blonde and the redhead promised that they wouldn't tell anyone, because it wasn't their place to out their friend if he hadn't even come out to them.

And yes, I realize it's messed up to reference to the girls only by their hair color but the only one that really matters in this story is Tracey, and I'm not gonna go through the trouble of making up two names for the girls that end up having barely any context in the situation other than the fact that they need to be friends of Tracey so she's not alone in a bar, while also showing that she could do better than John, but whatever. It's also more realistic if she's not alone, but you get the point. Get offended if you want, I really don't care. You don't have to finish this story.

Where was I? I actually forgot.

Oh yeah, three girls and a guy hanging out at a bar. Tracey ended up coming over to the Bartender, just like he said she would, and she asked for some drinks. Guess what she asked for?

"Can I get a round of shots for my table, thanks Gunther." My writing's predictable, definitely, and I probably could've just had a surprise line where she shows up unannounced and orders drinks for everyone, effectively introducing her character, but that's stupid. It's been done before, and writing's about being creative, assholes. If you're gonna be a critic, you can go drink tea and input your rating on movies for Rotten Tomatoes. If you want to enjoy a good story, then don't think about it.

"No problem, Trace." She sat there, waiting for her drinks and she was next to John. He looked over at her and smiled. He thought about telling Her to quiet down, and then realized that it might come off as rude, and advised against it.

"Oh, can you pass me that glass over there?" Tracey pointed to an empty glass that was out of her reach, but on the other side of John. He couldn't quite hear her properly, and wanted to know what she said.

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