Reflecting the Dawn

Start from the beginning

The perfume of her sacred blood had aroused a forgotten burning desire within the depths of my soul. A desire that I thought had been lost long ago, within the shadows of The Abyss. The desire to claim a bride. My lascivious spirit craved the rapturous screams from her blood red lips. The taste of her essence trickling down between her milky white thighs. The passion in her bright emerald eyes during the crescendo of our blasphemous fornication, as I buried my demon seed deep inside the walls of her inner sanctum. And now, because of my lack of self-control, unbeknownst to her, she has been claimed and belongs to me, and I will do what ever it takes to keep her. She is my beloved goddess of the midnight skies. My treasured possession.  

I purred in delight within the gentle waves, temporarily distracted from my worries, as I thought of such things. Although falling in love with her had not been my intent, I was glad that things had not gone according to plan. And now, I feared losing her precious love more than losing my own life. 

But, would I lose her affections regardless once I made my veracious confession and request? I furrowed my brows and frowned as my worries began to flood me once again. Would she still find my true demonic form awful and repulsive? Would she be disgusted or afraid when it was revealed to her that she'd been kissing the lips of an ancient evil being? Did she love and trust me enough to willingly unbind my demonic powers, rendering me capable of destroying her world? Or would she allow me to fall into the reaper's skeletal embrace as punishment for my treacherous sins against her? 

My head spun with endless fears and anxieties as I reflected over the possible outcomes. I selfishly thought about not telling her, and continuing on with pretending to be a man until the poison killed me. However, that would be the cowardly way out, and I am no coward. Besides, I love her too much to cause her the pain of another lost loved one, and I wouldn't be able to protect her if I were to perish. I also carried the weight of Belzar's fate on my shoulders. Since I had kindled his soul from mine to give him intelligence, if I die, so will he. He'd been nothing but a faithful companion and an anchor to sanity for me since the day I'd rescued him as a pup in The Abyss. I owed it to him to at least try to save us from the frigid winds of death.  

It's clear that following through with my plan is ineluctable... However, I will be tweaking it just a bit. I will still delicately reveal my true self to Gwendolyn and ask her to preform the spell for me. Only now I'll be confessing with genuine love and honesty, withholding nothing from her, so that she may understand the truth completely. My Buttercup deserves better than an unscrupulous web of deception from me, and I will deceive her no more. It might take some time... hopefully not so long that I die... but once she has accepted me for who I truly am, I will try to convince her to unbind my powers. If she does, I will finally be able to heal my agonizing lethal wound and return back home.

However, I do not intend to return alone. 

Oh no, I will be doing everything within my ability to persuade my beloved Buttercup to come back to Hell with me, no matter how long it takes. Although, I will not force her, because I know that when you clutch onto a flower it wilts and withers. And even though I'm terrified that she'll slip out from between my clawed fingers, I will not clutch onto my Buttercup, for I truly love her. However, I'm hopeful that if she'll love me enough to unbind me, then she'll love me enough to come home with me. Once there, I will keep her by my side always, adorning her in silken gowns and precious stones, and lavishing her with endless pleasures of the flesh. I will complete our union, binding our souls together, giving her the gift of immorality. And when the time is right, I will pollinate her garden of venus with my fertile seed. She will become my treasured bride and the mother of my hellions, belonging to me for all eternity.

That being said though, there's still one major obstacle. I still have yet to recover that stupid book, the Key to the Abyss. The final piece I need for my plan to work. Gwendolyn's willingness and blood alone can't unbind me, I need the spell too. Unfortunately, it's all too clear that those detestable mages currently possess it, something I'd figured out a while ago. There's also no doubt in my mind that they're behind all the disappearance cases within the town. It's all too obvious that they've been kidnapping people and using the book to corrupt their souls with dark abyssal essence. If I could just somehow catch them in the act, I'd be able to steal it away from them.

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