Chapter 13: So.....What now?

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**Can and Sanem have been married for 2 years, the agency is more successful than ever. Can and Sanem travel as often as possible so Can can continue his photography as he won't accept an assignment unless Sanem agreed to go with him. Sanem has completed her first novel about their love story and it's a huge worldwide success. They are blissfully happy and so in love, but...???

Can and Sanem are exhausted after returning home from 3 months in South America for Can's photography. After a long flight they just want to sleep. They both fall on their bed and immediately fall into a deep slumber. As usual they are wrapped up in one another because neither can sleep without it. After 10 solid hours of sleep Sanem wakes up feeling nauseous
Thinking it's lack of sleep due to travelling and the added fact that they hadn't eaten in almost 24 hours "it's no wonder"she mumbled to herself, careful not to wake Can. She slowly and gently removed his arm from her waist and went to the kitchen to fix herself some tea and start in breakfast. She wasn't sure if they were going into the office today or not so she would wait a little while for Can to wake up and see what he thinks. Sanem in sitting on the couch in their apartment looking at photos on her phone. Photos of her and Can and their family. She stops at the picture of Emre and Leyla's newborn baby, Eyman. Leyla had given birth a month before they left for their trip. Sanem was hesitant to leave but Leyla and Emre insisted that she go. Leyla and Emre had gotten married a year after Sanem and Can and had already bought a house and now had a baby. Sanem couldn't help but feel a little jealous about that fact. She and Can had talked about having children, they both wanted to but never discussed when and what they would do when that happened. Sanem wondered when their time would come and if they settled down would Can miss travelling all over the world for his photography or would he continue to travel while she stayed at home. Both of these thoughts were depressing to her so she put them in the back of her mind. Can was awake and walked over to her while rubbing his eyes and told her "good morning, my love" as he kissed her on the cheek. Sanem smiled her beautiful smile at him and said "good morning, my heart" in return. She asked him about going to the office today and he said he had a lot to do with getting his photos ready after their trip so he would not be going in. She wondered if she should go in so he could work alone and decided to do so. She told Can that she was going to leave him to his work and she was heading to the office. He was a little surprised as they never wanted to be apart but he just nodded his head. He knew something was on his wife's mind but he didn't have a clue as to what it could be, so he left it.

Sanem recognized that her thoughts were distracted because she had never wanted to go to the office when Can was not there, she missed him touch. But she went and got dressed for her day. Can was sitting at the table on his laptop reviewing his photos when she came back in the room with her bag. He looked at her, smiled and reached for her hands and brought them to his lips for a kiss. Sanem smiled and told him that she was going to call a taxi to come and pick her up. Can insisted that she take his truck but she declined. She placed her hand on his cheek, kissed him softly and wished him "good luck" with his photos and then left the house. Can just say there and didn't know what to think or do so he decided he would just keep working and hope that Sanem was okay when she returned home.

**At the office**
Sanem arrived and was warmly greeted and welcomed by everyone. Cey Cey welcomed her back with a big hug and a close inspection but never made a comment. Sanem went into the office that she and Can shared when they were at work and wanted to get straight to work. Deren knocked on the office door and presented Sanem with several new possible projects that could definitely use her attention and creative thinking. Sanem welcomed the work so her mind didn't have time to wander about the future and the what ifs. The first possible project was regarding women who do it all. Sanem was very intrigued with this campaign and all that the agency could do with it, so she focused on that. She thought of women working while pregnant, single mothers that work at home as well a job/career, women with disabilities that never give up and women who pursue their dreams no matter what is placed in their way. She looked around the office and realized her motivation was right in front of her, Leyla had a baby at home yet she still maintained a home and came to work and gave it her best every day, Mira was a single parent of 2 boys and she never missed work and was vital to the keeping clients interested in the agency, Nasli who was injured in a car accident and had lost her right leg, was a go getter and never backed down from a challenge and Deren who pursued her dream against all odds and in an industry overran by men, with determination and great success. Sanem couldn't help but wonder if she herself would ever be like any of these women. She continued to work on the project and came up with the slogan, "Women: Making the Dream a Reality". She shared the idea with the team and they loved it, Mira, Nasli and Deren were flattered that they were a part of her inspiration and agreed to be s part of the advertising. Sanem returned to her office, it was 2:00 pm and she and Can had not spoken to one another. She checked her phone and saw a text from him around 12 to see how she was and how things were going. She responded that she was "well but super busy". Sanem looked into her sister's office and smiled at how happy and radiant Leyla looked. She knocked and went to visit with her sister. They hugged for several minutes and Leyla showed Sanem picture after picture of baby Eyman and glowed with happiness and parenthood. Sanem became teary eyed and tried to wipe away her tears but Leyla was on to her and questioned her about what was going on. Sanem reluctantly explained that she was thinking about babies and settling down and was terrified about what Can would think and say. Leyla encouraged her to talk to Can because they had talked about having children so it would not come as a shock to him. Sanem agreed but still felt a little hesitant.
The remainder of the day had both Can and Sanem super busy. They had not communicated since the text earlier in the day. Sanem was sitting at her desk and suddenly felt dizzy and light headed. She tried to stand up but was woozy and stumbling as if she were drunk. She realized that she had been so busy today and so preoccupied with her thoughts that she hadn't even taken the time to eat. As she stood her head continued to swim and spin, she lost her balance and fell to the floor next to her desk.
Can had finished his work and felt grateful that he had the quiet to do so but also felt that something was not right. He quickly called Sanem but got no answer, he texted and no response. He couldn't wrap his head around what could be wrong with his wife
They had just returned from South America where they had a wonderful time together. He waited a few more minutes band tried again to call and text but still no response. Can had had enough and phoned Leyla to find out what was going on with his wife. Leyla informed Can that she had not seen Sanem in about an hour but the last she saw her she was headed back to her office to finish some work. Leyla told Can that she would go and check on Sanem
Leyla entered the office and did not see Sanem anywhere. She saw her notebook, phone and her purse laying on the desk so she knew that she hadn't went far. She left the office and walked around in search of Sanem and no one had seen her. Now Leyla was worried. She called Can to tell him that her things were on her desk but that no one had seen her for quite a while. Can panicked and told Leyla he was headed to the office right away.
Meanwhile, Leyla came into Sanem's office and walked around her desk and found Sanem lying in the floor, barely breathing and cold. Leyla screamed and Emre came running into the office and saw what Leyla was screaming about. He called 911 immediately and then called Can to let him know. Can was beside himself. He kept thinking she contracted something while in South America.
The ambulance arrived and paramedics made their way to Sanem through a large crowd of people. The approached her and recognized a low pulse and shallow breathing, so they gave her some oxygen. They asked about family and any illnesses or diseases and Leyla informed her that she was healthy and had just returned from a 3 month trip in South America with her husband. They loaded Sanem on a gurney and Leyla asked if she could come with her. Can was breaking every posted speed limit to get to Sanem, Emre had called and informed him the ambulance had arrived and was taking her to Istanbul Hospital. Can asked about her and Emre said that she had a low pulse and shallow breathing and that they had given her oxygen. Emre told Can that Leyla was riding in the ambulance with her and he would meet him there.
In the emergency room, Sanem was placed in a bed. She was slowly coming around but had no idea what had happened to her. Her blood was taken as well as a urine sample. The doctor said that she would return with the results. Leyla held Sanem's hand with tears in her eyes. Sanem looked at Leyla and asked her what happened. Leyla explained that she had found her passed out next to her desk after Can had called due to not being able to reach her. She just shook her head in confusion. Leyla asked her if she was feeling sick and Sanem told her that when she woke up this morning she felt nauseous but that they had not eaten in many hours. She said she remembered feeling dizzy and lightheaded but nothing else. At this time, Can bolts in the door, out of breath and with a worried and frightened look on his face. He ran to Sanem and asked her if she was ok and what had happened. Sanem repeated what she had told Leyla about feeling dizzy and lightheaded and nothing else. Can held onto one of Sanem's hands and caressed her face with the other. He told her he was worried because they hadn't spoken today but then became scared when he was informed that she had passed out in the office floor. He told her how much he loved her and how he couldn't make it without her. The doctor arrived back in room at this time and Can introduced himself to her. She explained that she knew the cause of Sanem's dizziness. All eyes in the room where glued to her as they awaited the results. She looked at Sanem and Can and smiled. They were confused with the smile. She said, "first I will say that Sanem you must eat and take care of yourself because you are now not only caring for yourself but also your baby, congratulations you are pregnant!!! Sanem covered her mouth in surprise and Can was frozen........

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