chapter 1:warlords

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"I will rule the universe,my time will come it will" as he awoke from his sleep war Lord Omar ruler of the 7th universe I will rule the universe

(Back on Earth which is know as the 5th universe)

"T-five minutes" the alarm shouted "commander all astronauts are on board "said the ship corespondents "alright crew remember our mission to go out and in space and make history,evolution to be friends with the universe "said the commander
"No problem said o' Neil
"On ward comrade" said Louis
"i wonder what is out their"Bruce muttered
"mostly planet and stars maybe a populated planets by an advanced culture" said Kelly
"Enough chatting more flying"adviced Meghan
"captain" the commander said "commander" the captain said "has ships engines been warmed " "yes and ready for blast off" said O'Neil lnterropted by the alarm "blast off in 5,4,3,2,1,0 blast off " and the high tech government secret space ship levitating with electro magnetic waves left the building and out approching the outer atmosphere.

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