Chapter 12: Fighting With My Future Husband

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Sasuke P.O.V

This has to be a mistake. She doesn't love me; she loves her senpai.

My heart began to beat in my chest. I was elated by her words, yet fearful that her feeling had suddenly changed towards me despite keeping her apart from the current Sasuke. I quickly ran out the room, heading towards the kitchen so I could cook and get my thoughts together.

I don't understand how this could have happened...I've been nothing but cold and rude towards her, so how could she have suddenly fallen in love with me?

Guilt consumed my heart as I realized the small bits of affection I had given her in the moments where my heart softened around her. This is my fault...I somehow lead her to fall for me when I was consumed by my own affection for her...Damn it! Why do I always ruin everything?! Why can't I ever make her happy?!

I heard the room door open and the shuffling of her feet as she walked up to the table. "Mornin'," she yawned.


I continued to cook, frying the eggs, serving the milk, and toasting the toast for our egg sandwhiches. 

"So last night," she started, "Naori and I were talking, and she told me about her arranged marriage with some guy her family picked...She never told me his name, but it had me thinking."

The grip that held the pan stiffened. Thinking? Does she know...?

"Is that so...?" I replied as calmly as possible.

"Mhm...It had me thinking about our relationship..."

Sweat began to form on my temple. I quickly wiped my forehead with a napkin before serving the eggs on the toast. "What about our relationship?"

"You said that in the future, I gave you my dad's ring and you gave me my mother's. That meant we chose each other. We were given the opportunity to choose who to marry and that was each other...but we ended up as broken as Naori's own relationship...It made me think, did we really make a mistake in falling in love?"

It wasn't a mistake for me...but it was for you...

"I told you Naruko, it's complicated." I grabbed the plates of food and brought them to the table. "Eat up," I said while passing her a napkin.

She grabbed the sandwich, taking a bite out of it before putting it back down. "Hey Sasuke?"


"Why did you get angry when I said I was going to help Naori?"

The warm blood that ran through my veins quickly turned cold. If I tell her the truth, she might go off and try to find me. How should I cover this up...?

I cleared my throat, taking a sip of milk before proceeding to speak. "When I was in highschool, there were kids always gossiping about the students in Saint Madara. Naori's name was brought up a few times...I had only known her through rumors, so it worried me when you said you were going to save some girl I had never known about."

"Really? So in the future I never knew Naori?"


She lifted up the sandwich, continuing to eat it with a sullen face. "That sucks...I like Naori a lot," she mumbled with a full mouth.

I did too...she was a good friend...

It was silent for a while before the expression on her face changed to show that she was dying to know something. Naruko had given me that face many times when we were dating, and I couldn't help but smile at it.

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