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I felt his eyes on me the whole time, questioning, calculating. How my prince loved to think further than what was, anticipate all that could be from one action, one thought. It was amusing, how much he cared for everything that he made known to the world, of everything he influenced.

"Do you ever wonder-" he paused, his lips pursing as his brows furrowed. The light breeze touched his head of golden brown hair, his eyes lifted from the snow and I gazed up at him. "Why I chose to keep you?"

As young as I was, an idiot I was not. The world was much to cruel a place not to question the motive of others, but never my Prince. He was kind. Pure, he gave me a bed to sleep and clothes to keep while others only harmed me, left me cold and reminded me of how much of a monster I was in their eyes.

"Because you are kind." My voice was low, soft and I looked down, more out of respect for my young master, my young Prince than fear, for with him, there was no such thing as fear.

"Do you truly think so?" His light tone, hitched and I glanced up at him. For a 12 year old boy he was tall, he bore the look of a young man as he clenched his jaw in thought, in hesitation or anger. He stared ahead, across the kingdom which stretched out before us.

"There is nothing I know to be more true, your highness."

Through the silence which befell us, I smiled gently, my rather chubby cheeks forcing my eyes to seem closed with how happy I truly was. I looked up with that smile and he glanced down, his lip twitched in a smile of his own before he sighed and turned away.

The burden of his duty weighed on him, even I, at the tender age of 9 could see that. He bowed his head before he allowed himself to start undressing, he would sleep now, cast his worries and dread to the night and surrender himself to the will of rest.

I would protect him, I vowed, my hand clenching into a fist full of determination, I turned back to the balcony view, stepping onto the little stepping stool so I could get a better look and I took in a breath.

My loyalty, my love belongs only to you, my dear Prince. For I am your dragon, till death do we part.

My silent oath, my precious promise, I whispered into my mind and set it free with a sigh. The wind would know and it would watch as I became the shield which his my prince from all dangers, even if that danger became me.



Written: 14 May

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