You two stayed at the park for a while and it was already past noon, Alastor stood up and offered a hand, you took it and he was leading you somewhere else. The busy city's sounds were slowly disappearing as you walk to an unfamilair part of Hell, the roads were replaced by ground and soil, the buildings replaced by trees and weird scents went up your nose. Your ears twitched at some sounds you heard, you turned to Alastor questioningly, he was grinning and noticed your gaze, he grinned even wider and stopped walking.

You let out a small gasp when you realized that you two were near a wide forest, you were shocked at the single thought that plants could live down here, despite the harsh conditions. Ahead of you, was a dark, sketchy path leading deep into the forest, your claws and ears twitch, your inner wolf was surfacing, it was urging you to set it free. But then, the images came back, in your peripheral vision your mind made hazy figures appear, your breathing intensified and the trauma came back. You tried to keep yourself calm but you were losing it, Alastor noticed your behavior and frowned a little, just a little.

"(Y/N), are you alright?" He asked.

You inhaled and exhaled deeply, trying to keep your cool, you didn't want to expose how you died, and you certainly didn't want to show weakness. After a while, you nodded, shakily. The deer demon didn't look convinced but luckily he didn't press on.

"Well, I might as well explain why we're here." Alastor spoke, walking ahead, he stopped and turned to you, his sadistic smile returning. "We're going hunting, my dear." Hunting? Your ears perked up, your fingers twitched, and your pupils thinned. The thrill of hunting was something you enjoyed, and the images of your death disappeared. Alastor chuckled, "Care to join me?"

You looked at him, "What are we hunting for exactly?"

His smile widened, "Deer hopefully! Or anything we find. This way I'm fetching myself some dinner." Alastor's eyes glowed and his eyes turned into slits, his antlers grew slightly in size. He looked menacing, like always.

"Deer? Wait, you're part deer, does that mean.." You remembered the day you first met him, where he ate venison at the restaurant, and seeing his deer features made you come to a conclusion. It made you a little sick. "You're a cannibal?" You blurted out.

Alastor laughed, his static laced laughter booming through the forest, "Why, yes it does!" Alastor being a cannibal slightly disturbed you, but you've seen so many more disturbing things in your life and this didn't shock you all that much, surprisingly, the deer demon cleared his throat. "Now, no time to waste! Let's get to work." Alastor said formally, changing the subject as if it wasn't anything important, you blinked a few times before following him, trying to pick up scents of any prey. The forest was silent, it was a little unnerving.

Alastor remained silent as well, eyes alert for any target, smile turning sadistic as time passes. Your eyes dart around, your heart was thumping due to the flashbacks, you hoped that the hunting will help. Suddenly, Alastor stopped you from walking, you bumped into his arm and glared at him.

He looked at you and put a finger to his lips, he gestures with his head to a distance, you looked and you saw a deer, unaware of your presence. You unconsciously licked your fangs, Alastor bent over to whisper something, "Care to do the honors?"

You nodded, a small smile appearing on your lips, you shifted into your Wolf form and began sneaking toward the deer. You proceeded cautiously, crouching, once you were close enough you pounced and the deer started to run away. You growled and chased after it, it was fast but you were faster, you grabbed it by the leg and it cried out in pain. You grinned sadistically and chomp down harder, eventually grabbing it's neck and thrashing it around like some dog's chew toy. Blood splattered from the open wounds onto the grass and your coat, Alastor teleported near you and his whole body froze seeing you slaughter the poor deer.

The sight of murder and blood itself gave him disturbing pleasure and entertainment, and seeing you kill for the second time made him smile widely, after a while you stopped thrashing the body around and began to feast on it. Alastor chuckled to himself, walking off to try and find his own prey, knowing you could protect yourself.

Evening came sooner than you expected, you and the Radio Demon reuinted at the entrance of the forest after having some fun hunting, you wiped your mouth clean of blood, panting slightly. Alastor didn't break a sweat at all, looking pleased, he tilted his head down to you, "That was quite an experience, don't you agree?"

"I guess so." You shrugged, you looked up at the dark red sky and the pentagram, realizing it's nighg now. "I have to go now." You started walking but you stopped yourself, feeling as if you forgot something, you turned to Alastor.

His hands were folded behind him, he stood at his full height, his eyes curious and usual grin present. "Yes, darling?" He asked curiously, you didn't speak for a while, luckily Alastor was patient.

"Um.." You started, "..Thank you." You found it hard saying those two words, you weren't sure why. Alastor's face brightened wonderfully. You stopped him though, "You didn't exactly cheer me up, but it did take my mind off things." You added, Alastor's expression dimmed slightly, as if he was disappointed, it was barely noticeable though. He cleared his throat and nodded.

I suppose that's better than nothing Alastor thought.

"You're so very welcome, (Y/N) dear! Pleasure to help." Alastor said sweetly, twirling his cane, he looked down at you. "I assume you will be fine walking alone without an escort?" The Radio Demon chirped, looking expectant.You blinked, you half expected him to escort you without your say in it, for some reason he didn't, and you were slightly relieved. Despite how he treated you today you didn't trust him too much yet. You cleared your throat and nodded, Alastor returned the nod.

"Well, it was a pleasure being with you today, darling! I'm looking forward to more days like this with you." Alastor spoke, his tone sweet and cheerful, "Anyway! It's getting dark, and I have to be on my way as well." He fixed his bowtie, he grinned at you one more time before beginning to leave. You watched him for a moment longer, suddenly feeling something in your hands, you looked down at them, seeing a neatly folded piece of paper. You opened it with curiosity, there inside the paper was very nice handwriting that read:

See you soon, my dear, I enjoyed our time together

And then you see a single, small red rose below the words, you glanced up, noticing Alastor was gone. The whole time you walked home until you got to your house, all you could think about was the note and the rose, then the charming, sadistic deer demon that you spent your day with.

You slept peacefully that night.

The rose and note on your nightstand.

Mysterious and Dangerous | Alastor | Hazbin HotelWhere stories live. Discover now