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" who's that ?" Is he one of my classmates...

"Y/N.. you're Y/N ,right?" a cute looking guy asked me while panting hard because of the running. " y-yeah..and you ?" , " oh ! I'm Jungkook" he said, showing his teeth smile that was bunny look alike. 

" someone wants to meet you. Let's go ! " he said cheerfully and took my hands. I didn't get to say anything nor protest because his grip on me was firmed and he practically dragged me while running. 


" Hyung ! I brought her !" Jungkook shoved my hand towards the guy. He was back-facing me at first but when he heard Jungkook's word he turned around with a charming smile on his face. " Hi Y/N !" , " Taehyung ?! What ? Are you one of my classmates too ?! " I was shocked, really shocked.

At my first day here, I've never seen them in one of my classes at all or maybe because they were absent ? oh man I don't care.

" I guess we are ! I saw you on the bleachers so I told Jungkook to bring you here. Sorry if he made you scared in any way " Taehyung scratched his nape while looking down at the ground with a sad pouty face. 

My heart melt seeing him like that. Why is he so cute ? No . Why all of his friends is so cute ? " It's okay. Although I was startled by his action but it's okay. " I smiled softly reassuring Taehyung that I was fine with it. 

Taehyung let out a cute chuckle as a sign of relief. " Well me and Jungkook are going to play soccer. Can you cheer for us ?...but mostly me ! cheer for me the most !" Taehyung pleaded with cute puppy eyes. Now who can say no to that..

" Okay I will, You guys should go. I think they are calling for you." I pointed to where the people whom were shouting 'Taehyung and Jungkook' nonstop. I'm surprised they were unbothered with it as the shouting has started right from when Jungkook dragged me to Taehyung. 

Taehyung and Jungkook gave each other glances while whispering something. I was curious and wanted to eavesdrop but didn't wanna be a nosy btch so I just waited for them.

" Tae, Jungkook, let's go" a manly yet familiar voice called them. Taehyung and Jungkook shifted their gaze towards the guy. " Jimin !" Taehyung beamed with a cheerful face. My eyes widened hearing his name. I froze, I was hesitant to move. 

"Hyung where were you ?!" Jungkook asked, his doe eyes wide opened while slightly pouted. " Sorry kook, the teacher wouldn't let me go early". Jimin gave Jungkook a soft smile while ruffling his hair. Taehyung put a hand around Jimin's neck, pulling him in a headlock. " You little dipsht you could've inform us !" Jimin tapped Taehyung hands repeatedly hoping he would let go. After some minutes Taehyung freed Jimin from him.

Jimin exhaled loudly, gasping for air as he rub his neck. Jimin ' finally ' noticed my presence when he sensed someone staring at him which is me. I've been looked at him the whole time hoping he would notice.

As Jimin looked at me, his face turned cold. I guessed Taehyung realised that Jimin is looking at me because he wrapped his arm around my waist and looked at Jimin with his signature boxy smile. "Jimin, this Y/N you know her ,right? she'll be our chick from now on" what was that suppose to mean...

" our chick ?" Jimin questioned. " Yeah but more like a buddy and she'll be my cheer leader, right Y/N?" Taehyung looked at me with those boxy smile that I adore. Seeing that smile, I flashed a sweet smile at him before nodded. 

Jimin seemed pissed at my reaction to Taehyung. He poked his inner cheek with his tongue while looking away. " Let's go we're late" Jimin said flatly, jogging his way towards the soccer player. 

Throughout the time I was cheering for Taehyung loudly, giving the best I could. Taehyung was kind and sweet to me so I had no doubt of feeling uncomfortable with him. As I was cheering for Taehyung I couldn't help but stare at Jimin. The way he played was so charismatic. He looked cool and hot.

 I think Jimin noticed me drooling over him cause there were times I was cheering for Taehyung but my eyes were on Jimin and we would constantly made eye contact, which whenever we did Jimin will gave me a smirk or secretly smiled or bit his lip or wink at me. I seriously don't understand that dude. Firstly he was sweet then cold then flirty-- is he perhaps bipolar ? 



The bell already rang like five minutes ago but Y/N still here waiting for something or more like someone. She tapped her foot impatiently as she glanced at her watch from time to time. 

"Where the hell is he ?...."

She spoke, pouting naturally. Just then she saw a face that she has been waiting for walking out of the school entrance. Smiling creepily, she followed him secretly, keeping her distance 5 meters away from him.

She felt butterflies in her belly as she followed him, she didn't know because of her nervous system or because of his broad back muscle that could be seen through his tight white t-shirt. 

I'm crazy . She thought as she quicken her steps while trying not to be suspicious or make him feel like he'd been followed. The guy walked really fast. Y/N had the urge to kick his butt so he would slow down but that will only ruin her plan. Like it or not, Y/N had to make her short legs exercise a bit or else she'll lose him. I should've followed dad to the gym on weekends, this is what you get you lazy potato..

As Y/N continued following him, she realized the path they were walking was the way to her house. She glanced back and forth, looking at the back road and to the walking figure, convincing herself that this was not the same way to her house. Holy-- am I seeing things now...there's no way he- 

" Why are you following me ?" 

Oh shit --

𝙃𝙚𝙧 𝓝𝓮𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓻 || 𝐏.𝐉𝐌 (discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang