Chapter 17 [Edited]

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Blaise POV:

I heard the explosion to my right, and instantly rushed over to help. I was concerned for Draco's safety. That man was my brother in everything but blood.

I saw him about to faint, but was able to catch him before he fell. Potter was also by his best friends side in a couple seconds, however, he wasn't able to reach him in time, and Weasley crashed to the ground.

Snape had came over to check on his students, but was blocked by us.

I don't trust him. Never have, never will. And I sincerely doubt Potter felt any different.

"Bring them to Madame Pomfrey. Quickly. The rest of you finish your potions, and then leave. I shall leave you alone for the time being. Behave like the adults you are supposed to be." And with those orders, he started strutting towards the hospital wing with Potter and I carrying our best friends behind him.

Thankfully, there were no students around. It was during class time, after all.

Snape was in front of us, and he burst through the doors of the hospital wing a minute before us.

He banged the door open, and strutted inside. We heard loud yelling, presumably from Madame Pomfrey, however, by the time we got there, beds have been made out for Draco and Weasley.

I was worried sick. I laid Dray down, and pulled a chair over. I sat down and held his hand. I don't care how I may look, it is only Snape, Pomfrey and Potter around, anyway.

However, I need not worry about being judged. Potter did the exact same thing, and we both waited for Pomfrey to tell us what to do.

"I'm going to cast a quick diagnosis spell, then I will be able to tell you what will happen."

Nodding, Potter and I gave our silent permission. She muttered a few words under her breath, too quiet for us to hear, before a bright light encased both Draco and Weasley.

Seemingly satisfied with the results, she walked to her office. She came back with a potion. It was bright green in colour, and seemed to be glowing. She walked up to Weasley, and forced half the content down his throat. Then, she came to Draco and tipped the remaining liquid into his mouth.

Potter and I watched on in anticipation, hoping to see our best friends awaking. However, nothing happened.

We were both puzzled. What was happening? Why aren't they awake? I was about to voice my worries, however Potter beat me to it.

"Madame Pomfrey, what is happening? Why are they not awake? Are they ok? When will they wake up? Are they hurt? Are th-"

"Quit your insistent gibberish, Potter. As Weasley messed the potion up, and it exploded on them, they have been transported. Not physically, but mentally. They are currently together in a room in their minds. No harm will come to them, and they will be awake in 24 hours. However, I need to leave. Goodbye."

"Goodbye, Professor." Potter and I chorused.

And with that, Snape strutted out of the hospital wing with his robes billowing dramatically after him.

Madame Pomfrey also left for her office, most likely to do some paperwork.

Potter and I sat there in relatively awkward silence, neither of us knowing what to say. However, I was never one for silences, and was about to speak, however Potter beat me to it once again.

"Do you know what is happening?" He asked, worry lacing his words.

Raising my left eyebrow, a trait I had picked up from Draco, I looked at him in silent confusion.

"Well, you know, do you think they are ok? I just thought you may know what is going on." He quickly supplied, seemingly unnerved by my stare.

"I only know as much as you do, Potter. But I am more worried about how they are feeling. Snape said they are in a room together, correct?"

Not waiting for a reply, although Potter did nod, I carried on, "You and I both know they are not exactly on good terms. They are also both more likely to explode, and cause harm to one another, than say, if you were there with Draco. However, rest be assured, I am quite certain Draco has some idea as to what is going on. Therefore Weasley will be fine. Unless, of course, they annoy each other. However, this is just an idea, I don't know, after all, what is happening."

Potter seemed to be put a bit more at ease by my theory, and we lapsed into silence once again. However, this time, it was more comfortable, and less awkward.

8th Year's Surprises.... [COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon