Chapter 33 [Edited]

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Ginny POV:

"Ginny, wake up." I was yanked out of my peaceful sleep by Hermione shaking me.

"What." Grumbling, I dragged myself out of bed.

"Get ready. We are all going to Hogsmeade to shop for Christmas." Hermione told me, although she was already halfway through the door, most likely to wake up others. With as little effort as possible, I started to get changed. I wore simple jeans with a yellow jumper over it, which I have been told complimented my hair. I wore white shoes and packed a coat and gloves in a bag. You never know when it might start to be cold. We are in the middle of winter after all.

Since no-one else was in the dorm, I went to the Common Room, only to be met with the sight of our group, minus my brothers and Harry, all changed but still barely awake.

Dean and Seamus were wearing matching outfits, which was really cute. They had jeans on with a brown and blue hoodie on, respectively. They had the colour of the hoodie that matched their boyfriend's eyes. Cute.

Luna was wearing a pretty, flower-patterned dress that reached her ankles. She had a coat tied around her waist, so she wouldn't get cold. Neville had a black jumper on with a white shirt under, and some jeans.

The Slytherins were as extra as ever. They all had a green aesthetic. They wore jeans, that had embroideries at the cuffs, with jumpers that were varying shades of green. Pansy had a green headband on, with her hair slightly curled. She was gorgeous.

Hermione was beautiful as usual. She had a white jumpsuit on. The white contrasted stunningly with her dark skin and her curls. Her curls were even tamed today, although I have to assume Draco had a part in that.

After talking a little bit, my brothers and Harry finally showed up. George and Fred were wearing the exact same thing, loose jeans with a typical Weasley sweater on, minus the letters. Ron was wearing a red hoodie and jeans. Harry was wearing an olive green shirt with a black hoodie tied around his waist. The colours matched perfectly with his tan skin and messy brown hair, although messy would be an understatement.

"Finally." Stated Hermione, standing up from a chair she had sat on and started walking out. Everyone followed her, with Ron walking a little faster so he could catch up with Blaise.

I would have copied him, but it was still a little awkward between me and Pansy. So I walked with Hermione.

Soon enough, we were at Hogsmeade. We were stalled a little going out of school, as the ghost who was assigned to register us was not amused but the fact that we were friends with the Slytherins. That made me livid, and it seemed as though most of the others agreed with me. But Hermione and Blaise quickly diffused the tension, both calm and collected as per usual.

Soon enough we were in Hogsmeade and were faced with the decision of who is going with who. However, that was quickly decided when Draco grabbed Harry and pulled him along with him.

"Malfoy! What in Merlin's name are you doing?!" Harry shouted struggling at the start but then quickly giving up once he realised Malfoy won't let him go.

"You are the only one I haven't had a proper conversation with. So we are going together." Draco stated, still not loosening his grip on Harry's arm.

"Do I get a say in this?" Harry asked sarcastically, although he was obviously happy he could spend time with Draco.

"I'm sorry, were you ever given a say in anything to do with me?" Draco remarked.

"No. I guess not." Was Harry's answer after a couple of seconds.

"Well then. There's your answer." And with that, they were both around the corner and out of earshot.

"I'm going with Ron," Blaise stated, and both of them walked off.

"I'll go with Neville," Luna commented, and taking him by the hand, they both went away.

"You already know who I'm going with." Fred and George said at the same time.

"I think we are rather obvious as well." Dean agreed, and with that, all four of them left.

"I'm going by myself." Hermione decided, before going in the direction of a bookstore. Big surprise.

That left only Pansy and I. "Guess it's only us two left." Pansy remarked, the atmosphere awkward.

"Yeah. I guess so." I agreed, unsure of how to respond.

"Where do you want to go first?" Pansy asked.

"I don't mind." I wish someone else was here. That way we could pretend the other isn't here and we wouldn't have to be so awkward. I had enjoyed kissing Pansy. Fuck, that's the only thing I can think about. But I don't know how to approach it. What would I even say? 'Hey, I loved kissing you almost as much as I love you'. I would scare her off.

"Ginny." Looking up, I noticed that Pansy had snuck up to me, and was standing less than a metre away. Although she looked rather confident at first glance, I know her almost as well as I know myself. I can tell she was nervous, although she was hiding it really well.

"Pansy." I copied her, my voice slightly trembling.

"I don't like the fact you've been avoiding me." She whispered. Gulping, the only thing I could do was stare into her eyes. She has gorgeous eyes. Black eyes like charcoal, but only closer inspection, I could see flecks of gold. Her eyes were almost as beautiful as her.

"You have been doing the same thing." I finally respond, drawing my eyes away from hers for only enough time to glance at her lips. I can vividly remember this exact lips against mine, and the thought alone had me blushing as red as my hair.

"I guess I was." We were silent for a couple of seconds. We were either staring intensely at the other's eyes or their lips. Finally, the moment broke when I took a step forward, and that small movement seemed to trigger a series of events. None of which I remember. The only thing I know is that Pansy's lips are finally on me, my hands were in her hair and hers were on my waist.

I don't know how long we were kissing, but we stayed interlocked until we could.

When we pulled apart, we had to gasp for air. Panting, we continued staring at each other. "I hope you don't run away this time," Pansy commented, smiling slightly.

Her comment alone made me blush again, and I could feel even my ears burning. "Haha. Very funny." Smiling, she grabbed my hand, and we started walking towards a shop. Not being able to contain it longer, I started grinning. I can't wait to officially call Pansy mine.

Too soon, we were back where we started, laughing with the rest of the group and walking towards a cafe so we could eat a very late breakfast and lunch as it was around three.

"I'm going to guess you two made up," Draco remarked.

"What do you mean?" Pansy asked. Lifting one of his eyebrows and staring intensely at our still interlocked hands, he indicated as to what he was saying. Without either of us realising, we hadn't let go once, not even when we bought the presents. Embarrassed, but so reluctant to let go, both of us avoided looking at the other.

"I'm glad. It was getting awkward." Draco continued, smirking at us. Smiling, I was relieved he stopped the atmosphere from getting awkward. However, I still didn't let go, and neither did Pansy.

We had a quick lunch consisting of sandwiches and cakes. Once we were done, there was a massive fight about who was going to pay. All Slytherins and Harry looked like they were going to kill the other of they didn't stop rejecting their offer. In the end, Hermione paid while they were distracted, which caused all of them to pout. We started to walk back, and halfway it started snowing. Although it wasn't quick enough for us to play in the snow, we made a promise to go out tomorrow if the snow stayed.

Back at the Common Room, we were all exhausted by our eventful day, so we settled on staring at the fire while we were curled up in a big heap. I was content. And soon enough, I felt the comfort of sleep edging into my brain.

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