Risky Trip and Sudden Monster!

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"So, uh... Eda?" Gus asked.

"That's 'Owl Lady' to you." Eda said.

"Oh! Uh... Owl Lady? How far is this 'Market'?" Gus asked.

"We've got a whole hour of flying." Eda replied.

"An hour?!" Gus exclaimed.

Eda rolled her eyes.

"You expected this place to be close? It's a shop that sells ingredients for demon sickness." Eda asked.

"Isn't there a faster way?" Gus asked.

Eda sighed, sounding annoyed.

"No. I'm afraid there's not. So, just enjoy the ride." Eda replied, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, okay." Gus replied, with a saddened frown.

The two then sat on the staff whole it flew, with no talking was heard, nothing but the Wind that the staff passed by was heard.

Gus stood quiet for about Seven seconds, before speaking up.

"Hey, wanna play a game to pass the time?" Gus asked.

"Wha-? A game?" Eda asked.

"Let's play 'I Spy'. Luz taught me this!" Gus said.

"Uh, Look, Kid, I don't play 'Games'. In fact, I don't play ANYTHING unless-!" Eda started.

"I spy something... Blue!" Gus interrupted.

Eda frowned, annoyed.

"Look, I don't-!" Eda started.

"And no! It's not the sky! That would be too obvious." Gus interrupted.

Eda groaned.

"I don't wanna play that dumb game!" Eda exclaimed.

"Wha-? Why not? Ohh! If you hate that game, we can play another one!" Gus replied.

Eda angirly facepalmed.

"How about..." Gus started.

"Hey, I have a game! It's called 'Shut it before I throw you off the staff'." Eda interrupted.

Gus Quickly turned his happy smile into a scared frown.

Meanwhile, Luz and King were on the couch, laying down. Luz let King lay in her lap and sleep, while she patted his head. The little demon was having a bad sick day, He was usually not as lazy as he normally was, but more worse.
After Luz had finished cleaning up the vomit, she took King to the bathroom, where he vomited Four more Times, which lead him to passing out.

"Poor King..." Luz thought, frowning sadly.

As she petted his back, she turned to the soup that Eda made earlier. She poured some in a bowl and left it on the table which sat infront of the couch. She thought about King's hunger, and left some soup beside him, whenever he wakes up.
It wasn't even a minute later, that Hooty's head slithered beside of Luz and King, as he held a blanket in his beak, and gave it to Luz.

"Hoo! Here's the Blanket you needed." Hooty said.

"Shh! Hooty." Luz said, shushing the owl.

"Oh, sorry." He replied, whispering.

Luz took the Blanket, and placed it over King, where he jumped at first, but realized that it was his blanket, and snuggled up in it.

"Thanks, Hooty." Luz replied.

"Hoo! I mean... Hoo..." Hooty replied, whispering.

Hooty slithered back to his door, as Luz watched King in her lap. The small demon was sleeping peacefully, looking as if he had just ran a marathon and became tired.
Luz, who was getting sleepy herself, yawned. She softly put the Snuggled up Kimg in his Blanket beside her as she laid down, tired.

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