Chapter 10

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"Hello?" I hear a whisper. "Yeah I'll be a tad late into the office today. Something came up."

I felt comatose, like my head was spinning and my mind was consciously awake. My eyes were shut though. I knew whose voice that was and I knew that familiar feeling of relief in my stomach.

"-Uh yes sir. Are you sure? I'll talk to you later anyways." James murmurs out and I feel some ruffling next to me as my muscles seem to come back to life. I blink a couple of times, my eyes coming face to face with my white sheets lit up by the beaming through the window. It was a bright morning this morning – quite unusual weather for Bradford.

"Okay thank you. Bye." James finishes on the phone and a weight gets lifted off of my bed as I turn slightly on my torso, my hand fisted and rubbing my eyes. He was wearing nothing but boxers. Fuck he maintained his body. It was pretty much perfect, the clear, tan skin and the sun-kissed shoulders. I had to sit myself up to get a better look.

"Oh you're up." He huffs, turning around to face me. I raise an eyebrow as I sit myself up, the covers falling off my chest and onto my torso. He grabs a hoodie and shoves it on, ruffling his hair up before sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"Hi." I whisper as I look down at the mess of a bed seeing all of my clothes from last night either on the floor or between the sheets. I stared, ashamed of myself if anything.

"Err, I didn't mean to fall asleep. It just happened-"

"No I'm glad you stayed." I huff. "It would've been rather uncomfortable if you left."

"Good." He huffs, looking down at his lap. "How are you feeling this morning?" He asks me.

"I don't know." I murmur, confessing. "It's been a while since I've thought about him, which is good I guess."

"You'll think about him a lot from here on – it's normal for a breakup." He huffs and I look down, nodding to my bare thighs not too far away from my navy blue boxers.

"That sounds really painful." I whisper.

"Mm, welcome to my world." He huffs shaking his head and I frown moving closer to him.

"I was in such a bad place when we broke up James, you don't understand." I murmur to him, my hand reaching out to play with some of his hair.

"It all doesn't matter now, at least we're in a good place." He says, eyes trailing up my torso. I bite my lip, holding back a small chuckle.

"Obviously we're in a good place." I smile gently earning a laugh.

"Obviously." He repeats in a small whisper and I reach down, placing my hand on his thigh comfortably.

"So..." I trail off watching his eyes following me carefully, "...Breakfast?"

"As long as I'm cooking." He shrugs standing himself up, leaving my hand to stray away onto the bed-sheets.

"Hey." I chuckle grabbing a blanket to wrap around my almost bare body.

I was sat at one of the stools in the kitchen, my arm leant on the counter as I watched him make some pancakes for the two of us. It was all we really had in the house and both of us felt bad asking Kat to go out and get us something since my mother had her at work to clean some of the windows. Instead, we had just asked her to join us.

She had offered plenty of times to cook but James didn't like to be waited on – he and I had that in common.

"I don't understand it Niall," she sighs with her head tilted to the side, "I mean, Liam is such a shy person."

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