You felt some of the weight lift off of you, somehow causing more pain, and then you saw the full sky along with multiple heads of people staring down at you, some of them climbing in to grab you, but you saw something white flutter in the sky.

A soft smile covered your features as Kyojuro grabbed you gently before anyone else got to you. From the look of it, he had been crying as he held you close to his chest. "I... I thought I lost you, Snowball..." he whispered into your ear as small sobs escaped him.

You closed your eyes and shook your head, "Kyojuro... I-can you... do something for me...?"

He paused for a moment, then hummed. You opened your eyes back up and gazed at his gorgeous face, "C-can you smile...?" You asked and placed a small kiss on his cheek. You waited until he chuckled and smiled, finally laying your head in the crook of his neck, satisfied.

"Oi! Is that (Y/N)?!" You heard Tengen shout loudly. You didn't have the guts to face him due to the shame you felt for being so useless. Kyojuro just gave a slight nod, "That was a might and flamboyant show, (Y/N)-san! You may be a midget, but you got skill!" He said with his wives at his side. You only smiled into Kyojuro, hugging him tighter. You felt tired and cold, but with Kyojuro there you knew you could live longer.

Tengen approached the two of you, "When I saw that building fall, I thought we had lost you. But, yet again, you do the impossible and survive such a devastating attack of nature. Very flamboyant!"

You chuckled, "For a moment there... I thought I... was dead too... in fact... I... saw my brother... and mother..." Kyojuro's face saddened. "Onii-sama got mad at me for... being there..." you chuckled, it sounding strained, "but... we said goodbye... so... I'm okay..."

"You're really strong, (Y/N)-san...!" Tanjiro said with a sad tone and tears streaming down his face. "We all thought we lost you! If it wasn't for Rengoku-san showing up, we wouldn't have found you...!"

You frowned at his words, "You obviously... haven't met... the others if you... think I'm strong... I'm usually... spending my time... at the butterfly... mansion... because I'm reckless to no... extent." You huffed, forcing Kyojuro to set you down by pushing him off balance.

"(Y/N)-!" He shouted before he felt a tingling feeling on his face. Everyone stood there shocked realizing what happened. He looked at you with worry, "(Y/N)... what's wrong? Did I do something to upset you...?"

You shook your head with an intense stare at your own hand, "You haven't done anything wrong, you goof." They could tell you were straining yourself, but you back away when Kyojuro went to help you.

"Oi, why'd you hit Rengoku-san, brat?!" Tengen glared at Inosuke as soon as the words left his mouth.

"To make sure I wasn't dead, because honestly, I feel really dead right now." You smiled softly at the boar masked boy. "We should go ahead and get treated, though. I'd prefer not having any one die after a battle." Tengen nodded while you slipped your hand into Kyojuro's. Once the groups of injured people were a bit further ahead you whispered, "I'm sorry for slapping you." He just sighed and stopped walking while facing you. He cupped your cheek with a loving gaze.

"I wish you would have let me know... before you left in such a bad condition... If not for your crow telling me... how bad your wounds from the fight with Akaza really were... I wouldn't know how much pain you're really in right now..." he placed his forehead on yours, "let me take you home, (Y/N)." He spoke softly, wrapping one of his hands around your waist.

You stared at Kyojuro for a moment trying to understand what he meant, but then gave a small nod. He would have done it regardless, so there isn't a point in fighting him about it. "Lead the way, flame boy." You smiled and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. He smiled with joy and swept you off your feet happily.

Caught By Flames (Kyojuro Rengoku x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now