Chapter 2: "Good Because I Like You Too"

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Song on the side - Youth by Daughter


Chapter 2

I, Cora Fey Thomas, am unconditionally in love with Harry Styles.

I discovered that only a month ago and was to chicken to say anything to him.  We had been friends since before he was a world wide sensation.  I never really paid attention to the feelings I had for Harry,I figured it was nothing, but when he invited me to go on tour with them was when I found out I loved him.  I loved everything about him, his crazy curly hair, beautiful green eyes that squint slightly whenever he smiled,  his gorgeous smile with those two undeniably cute dimples.  Yeah, I fell head over heels for him.  But I didn’t think he would like me back.

Little did I know that he had mutual feelings for me, I spent months trying to hide how I felt.  It was a long couple months, but that is a different story.  Eventually Harry soon realized why I was acting so weird because he knows me inside and out. 


He texted me one day to go out to the park we spent time at whenever he had a day off and as soon as I saw him there, I noticed he had set up a picnic.  I stopped in my tracks, curious about what he was doing.  He had been acting strange the past couple days, sort of distancing himself from me and it hurt to say the least.

He noticed I stopped and a smile grew on his face, he waved his hand for me to come over and sit down.  After I sat down, Harry took a deep breath, “Cora I have something to ask you.”  Now I was really confused.

“Okay, let me hear it.”  I said a little apprehensively.

Before he said anything, he started leaning towards me.  I wasn’t thinking straight and was to stunned to really respond when I felt his lips touch mine.  After a few seconds he leaned back with a smile on his face.  “Do you like me?  Don’t lie, I know you inside and out.” 

I blushed severly, still stunned from the peck on the lips.  I cleared my throat unsure of what to say. “Umm…”   Harry waited with an expectant look on his face.

I looked down and blushed again.  “Yeah, Harry, I like you.”  I said barely above a whisper. 

His smile spread even bigger.  He leaned in again and pecked my lips but this time he stayed longer and this time I responded.  Our lips were moving in sync and my heart was fluttering so fast it felt like it could come flying out of my chest.  His lips left mine, but he didn’t back away, leaving his forehead touching mine.  We both were breathing slightly uneven and we had smiles plastered to our faces. 

“Good because I like you too.” 


After dating for about a month, I realized that dating a celebrity is stressful.  We didn’t see eachother very often and when we did, if we wanted to go out, we were surrounded by fans. 

His fans.  Now that’s where the main problem was.  They were relentless on Twitter with the hate.  Some were kind and left nice messages for me to read but others left hate telling me to kill myself or I wasn’t good enough for Harry. 

It hurt, non of those people really knew me.  They didn’t know about our relationship.  But somehow they managed to think that they could say those awful things and tell us to stop being together.

At first I could put up with it and ignored it the best I could, but over a while the became more personal and  it hurt like knives.  I guess I’m just not that strong and it eventually got to much and that’s why I had to break it off with Harry. 

He really did deserve someone better.  Someone who could handle the fans and love him unconditionally.  I’m leaving because I love him.  I think…


“Cora, are you coming over to get your last bags?  Harry just left and I know that it would be better if you came now.”  The Irish lad said across the line.

I sighed deeply, “Yeah I will be there in 10.”

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