Luck was with me, i spotted a flash of silver just at the end of the corridor, and upon closer inspection, it was revealed that a single key hung from the silver ring. A hand grew from the wall and stole the key from it's place, passing it along back down the corridor to where i was imprisoned. The key slid under the cage bars. The hand that did so brushed the iron, and disappeared suddenly without my will. It is Moon Pearl, i confirmed, kneeling to scoop up the ring. Navigating myself to the bars, i fit the key into the lock and twisted it. The barred door swung open on silent hinges, and i stepped out into the hallway cautiously, glancing up and down through the darkness. Feet supporting the swordsman's body followed me out, and i laughed silently as i remembered back on the sky island when he had been electrocuted by the false god, and i walked him up to the next cloud level in the same manner.

Since i had been spacing out on the way into the corridor, i did not know which direction was the exit. Trusting my instincts, i took a right turn and walked quietly away, four extra pairs of my feet following. The air was cold, and i rubbed my bare arms as best as i could. The pain had faded to a dull throb, but it still spiked suddenly at random intervals.

I struggled to control the cold that prickled my skin by focusing on the other warming thoughts, mainly focusing around memories i secretly hoped to have in the future, though i would never admit these desires aloud. When i was a child, i watched other children playing with their parents and i thought to myself, when i have children i won't leave them behind, i'll try to be the best parent possible and play with them. They won't grow up like i did.

After the Buster call i thought that vision had ended, i thought that no one would love a demon from the forbidden country, with dirty Oharan blood running through her vein. My face was known all over the world, and everyone knew my name.

And then i joined Luffy's crew, i finally found something to live for, here were people who cared about me, who loved me and didn't care about my past. And here was Zoro, the man i started to fall for the moment i laid my eyes on him. He was happy, not a care in the world except for his ambition. He didn't care that other people called him a Demon or a Monster, unlike me, though i would never show it. he didn't care how other people saw him, he was only focused on his goal of becoming World's Greatest Swordsman. I didn't know his past nor his reasoning behind it. There was no need, we were the demons of the world, each sacrificing anything and everything to achieve our goals.

My sub dream resurfaced. I unintentionally began dreaming of my children, laughing and smiling, playing with the saya(sheath) of their father's Katana while i read them a bedtime story. It was a horrifying thought at first, because at the time i had these dreams i had only joined Straw hats for a month. I watched the swordsman closely the the next week, and he didn't seem to act any differently than usual. Did he have similar dreams? Was he as good as hiding IT as i was? Normally i could read people like an open book, but not him, he was a mystery novel to me... taking the plot one step at a time and trying to figure out who the killer is before it's revealed.

I remembered our escape from Enies Lobby, i was standing on the deck of the beloved Merry, crying and thanking my Nakama with all the power of my heart. "Save that stupid stuff for after we've escaped!" he said, and i laughed as Sanji and Chopper attacked him.

Even then, with us reunited, he was still the same. Nothing could faze him, he told me later in private, "Don't think we wouldn't come for you. We're not the kind of people who would let others, especially Nakama, die for them."

So why did he do exactly what i had wanted to do? I had listened to Brook's story of Zoro's willingness to give himself up for Luffy, and i sat in stunned silence as everyone rowed with all their power, my eyes occasionally finding that small park of green near where Zoro used to sleep on the deck. Why not follow your own advice? I wondered as Sanji, Nami and i trekked through the woods, watching his body's limp head sway from side to side as if he were only sleeping. I could almost hear him snoring.

Zoro x Robin: The Stuff of LegendsWhere stories live. Discover now