Scene 9 - Glen Carrick Castle

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Glen Carrick Castle – previously seen in Stingray, Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet. A much larger model constructed. Built next to a vast stretching lake with more fields and trees and forests circled around. We move from the calm and stilled water to spot the Medieval castle – and a SHADO Jeep. The hall to the castle, a massive square table big enough for half a dozen people with neatly set chairs in the middle of a dull painted wall and Medieval knight armour and axes as statues or laid out or along the walls. A windowless hall, wooden, clunky doors are located from each side of the pretty room. Colonel Lake and housekeeper Peter McDonald Parry, a traditional if not stereotypical older Scot with a thick heavy accent warmly wrapped up as he smokes his pipe tours the Colonel around, finally presenting her to the conference hall.


And so here we have it, the hall where the conference tomorrow will take place.


Fine. Do you get many visitors around here?


Oh no. There isn't a soul around here for miles. I must say my dear, it does get a little lonely around these parts. Perhaps we could find some accommodation for you here tonight.

He smokes onto Lake, as she coughs it away.


I'm afraid Mr. McDonald Parry I will be unavailable to stay the night.


Oh well. Your SHADO secrets are safe with me. I won't tell a soul. Alive or dead. He he he he he!


Yes. SHADO will see to that. I think I'll just take a quick look around in here.

She begins investigating the hall meticulously.


Ay! As I was just saying about having company around the moors of Glen Carrick, I would appreciate the hundreds of people coming to congratulate me about such a wonderful piece of property I own.

As Lake inspects the remainder of the hall closely, she begins asking questions about Parry.


So Mr. McDonald Parry, tell me about yourself.


Oh me? Well, my family has owned the lands of Glen Carrick for generations upon generations. Our family history of this castle goes back for millennia. But now it seems as though as that time is coming to an end.


And why is that?


Ah, well, you see, I've never really had much luck in my love life.


I wonder why.


Oh, err, sorry my dear?


Go on.


Yea. So. As I was saying. I used to have my own spaniel around these parts here. My old Nessie. Bless her soul.


And if you live miles away you must have your own food supply.


Ah. Yea. Water isn't hard to collect. And food isn't hard to hunt. Nessie was much better at catching a fox or a badger than I ever was. Except maybe a haddock or a cod. I sometimes wonder if she was smarter than me.




Have you finished yet me dear?


Yes. Looks like your castle is safe enough for the conference to take place.


Ah, good. You won't find any secret holes in here, trust me.


I hope there isn't. For your sake.


Bah! Well.


And I wouldn't try attempting to contact anyone in the next twenty-four hours either. In case you let the game slip. Our frequencies are monitoring your transmissions. And our aerial surveillance will be picking up any attempt to leave the castle in case you have an unexpected visitor or try to sneak out.


Ah. You're a very strong woman Ms Lake. But I didn't quite catch your first name.


I didn't throw it, Mr. McDonald Parry.

We then hear a loud gush of a plane flying close over, almost deafening Mr. McDonald Parry as he yells as he covers his ears.


Ah! What's that stupid contraption still flying over my castle for hours! Technology! Hmm! Infernal nuisances. If that stupid fool comes over my castle again I'll shoot it down!


I would like to see you try.

She then leaves him savagely. Lake then picks out her radio as the antenna is lifted as she communicates.

Colonel Lake to Sky One.

We see Sky One zoom over the castle once more, Waterman patrolling the area as we now see him inside.


I've run a scan over the whole area. I'm going around again.


Right Sky One.


Sky Two will be taking over in another hour. Be glad when it's my turn again.


Right Lieutenant. Keep surveying.


Roger. Over and out.

Her radio flashes again with a call coming from a SHADO guard patrolling the 20-mile area on foot.

Guard 2:

Colonel Lake. We've searched the twenty-mile radius and have found no security threats.

Colonel Lake:

Right. Return back to the castle. We've done all we can here.

Guard 2:

Roger. Out.


Hay! You and your SHADO guards better watch out for old Nessie out there. It can be very dangerous!


You mean the deceased dog of a crazed housekeeper of a castle or a conspiracy theorist who believes in the Loch Ness Monster.


Or a conspiracy theorist who believes in UFOs.

She death stares at him before she then walks off.

Nessie exists too! I've seen her with my own eyes. A terrible beast she is! Horrifying! A monster! With razor sharp teeth and a bloodthirsty appetite.

He is then left to laugh madly and crazily on his own.

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