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"Dismissed." The Hokage said to Natia's ANBU  as a pointed glance was sent to Natia asking her today. "Orochimaru?" He asked they had gone.

"Hia Hokage-Sama." Natia answered relaxing her muscles as she sat on the couch in the corner of the office. The Hokage joining her.

"Same information?" He asked.

"Looks like our little snake was telling the truth, he'll be here for the Chunin Exams. I'll stay with my ANBU. I honestly doubt Kashi would sign up my team of greenies, and if he did, he's sending them to their death." Natia told the Hokage, yawning.

"Go, rest, I'll inform you on his decision when he returns." The Hokage said, helping Natia stand.

"Night, gramps." She mumbled walking out of his office, to her rusty apartment in the red light.


Natia's dreams were interrupted by her clone's memories. She sifted through them until she found one of Haku and her clone in a densely forested area, next to a creek, with jasmine, lavender and mint surrounding them. Her clone only sat their as Haku spoke.

"Natia, I'll be headed to the leaf in a few weeks, probably sooner. Dad said we just need take care of a few things. I'll stop by Haven, see Samari." Haku takes a deep breath. "I know I should wait but I guess you deserve a heads up. Samari is turning three in a few months and needs parental figures, ones around more then we are... I'm picking her up before I come to Konoha. As in she is coming. Prep a room for her on the ANBU grounds, she won't be sleeping in the red light district. I'll stay in town during the Chunin Exams. I'm sure your going to be pissed when this clone returns, so I'll give you time to breath. I love you, Foxy."
And with that Haku disappeared from the memory.

Natia sat up from her bed, sighed, and rubbed her hands over her face before looking at the time. 4:13 A.M. She dressed in her ANBU gear and headed for the ANBU living and training grounds, behind and under training ground 42.


When Natia arrived the veterans were the only ones awake and training. She quickly found the kitchens and, unlike the other ANBU, took out her anger by cooking, to practice her patience. To which was the only skill she truly lacked in. However, her ANBU loved when she cooked because her food was the best food in the nations.

Though, it was widely known in her ANBU that she was still 15 and a girl, only few knew of her mission as "Naruto".

Henin, one of her higher ranking officers was the first to notice the familiar smell of his Commander's cooking and spread the message till almost every ANBU was in the dining's and kitchen's.

"You okay, Commander?" Asked Yūgao. Natia only nodded and hummed as she focused on cooking.

Natia finished and placed; pancakes, waffles, croissants, jams, juices, eggs, bacon, sausages and ect... on the table to which was over 19ft long. Everyone dug in and as they ate Natia stood at the front of the table.

"The next few weeks are going to be our busiest in awhile. I have asked personally asked the Commander of the Hidden Sand ANBU, Garra, to accompany the genin of his village in the Chunin Exams. We will also be hosting their Kazakage. I want teams Panther and Ants on his back 24/7. You are not to be seen and/or discovered, the mission starts the moment he enters the Leaf. Understood?"

The requested teams stood saluted and sat back down.

"I want teams; Possum, Gills, and Cat following our guests from the sound village, updates are to come daily if not by the hour. Understood?"

The requested teams stood saluted and sat back down.

"I want Jinx and Gorilla, surrounding the second and third tasks of the Chunin Exams. Understood?"

The requested teams stood saluted and sat back down.

"Now a few of you may understand this a few of you may not, but that's okay cause your going to obey it anyway!" Natia said. As she looked at them.

"During the Exams, should a boy wearing an orange jacket, that looks like it could blind someone, take off said jacket. You are to obey any and every order he gives you. Also, my daughter and a woman named Haku, will be on the grounds often during the Exams, ignore them. Understood on all accounts?"

Every ANBU stood saluted and sat back down. However they also, silently, contemplated the return of Haku, and their Commander's daughter.


At 1:42 P.M. Natia left ANBU grounds to meet Kakashi and her Genin team at the Hito Bridge, where they usually conjugated. She was dressed in her orange jacket and genjutsu. However, half way there, Ukū stopped her.

"Raid on Orochimaru's sea side operation was successful there are kids outside the Konoha's wall."

"Cover for me." Natia told him and speed towards the North Gate.


Natia arrived to see Deidara and Sasori standing with three children that looked no older then ten.

"Nat." Sasori said in acknowledgment, before stepping away.

"Health?" Natia asked, facing Deidara.

"Malnourished. He hadn't done anything yet. We got there just in time if-"

"I asked about their health Dee, I'll get the report from Naggy." Natia said raising her hand for him to step away, to which he did with bow.

Natia stepped in front of the trembling children.

"My name is Nat." Her voice laced with kindness. "Can you tell me yours?"

"Hāni." Said the shortest.

"Ko." Said the second shortest.

"Yūgi." Said the third.

"Nice to meet you. My friends," Natia pointed at Deidara and Sasori. "Are going to take you to my home. Where there are lots and lots of other kids, but first I need you to give me your hands. Can you do that for me?" She asked. They nodded and Natia gave them a smile.

They gave her their hands and they began to glow with a warm light, before it stopped and their hollowed cheeks no longer stood.

After almost an hour the three fell asleep cuddling Natia, she stood quietly and walked to Deidara and Sasori.

"They're clear, tell Naggy to pull back the team. Orochimaru is planning something." Natia told them before heading to Iruka's.


Iruka and Kakashi married some years ago, though few ever connect the dots as they're a very secluded couple, both men been ANBU, though left before her premonition to Commander. However, Iruka's title as ex-ANBU is rarely ever recalled as he requested an extreme drop in ninja status.

Iruka, being "Naruto"'s father figure, has always been on Natia's list, "list" being, the list of people who have showed kindness to her well aware of her caged friend. Said "list" has two other occupants.

Natia arrived, in her genjutsu, at Iruka and Kakashi's home not long after leaving Sasori and Deidara.

"IRUKA-SENSEI!" Natia hollered in a loud voice, standing outside his door. Iruka appeared there not long after and smiled at the sight of "Naruto".

Natia never knew why she always came to Iruka after seeing kids the Akatusuki brought to her for Haven. Though the habit had been formed and it always involved ramen.

So for the remainder the sun lit day, she spoke and ate with Iruka.

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