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After Emma had asked me how are deal with Ryan, it had me thinking. I was really ready to break up with him. All the evidence of mistreatment is there and it's about time I took action. I could be so much happier without him. Though he has been there for me and a support system for so long now. I have taken for granted all he did for me, when my dad... Ryan may hurt me, but that will never outweigh the memories of him being that rock. The only person there when I needed someone.

Considering all outcomes and reasons, I decided that I'm not breaking up with him. Reminiscing on the reasons I stayed for so long made and Ryan being my rock, it me a fool all over again. I'll have to visit him, remind him of how grateful I am.

For now, I was fuelling my gym junkie lifestyle with Michael. I had dragged him to the gym after he could barely walk up a set of stairs without losing his breath. Which is clearly surprising since he dances, dancing is meant to really take it out of you.

I currently had him running on the treadmill, more like sprinting but he couldn't tell I was slowly increasing the speed. Once his body matched the pace of the belt, he couldn't even tell what speed his was going.
"You really need to stop that Teal."
I forgot to mention, that with Michael came the rest of the trouble trio.
"Shut up Lopez!" I hissed, whacking him in the gut. He was winded with the blow and I snickered as he crouched to hold his stomach.
"Wait what are you doing?" Michael's voice was nervous as his eyes met with the speed on the treadmill, "Teal!"
"I was wondering how it took you so long to realise, it shows you right there in digital form." Ondreaz chuckled, crossing his arms as he watched Michael begin to struggle at keep his pace.
"You should of just minded your own business Lopez! Now he's going to- Oop, too late." I started to curse Tony before Michael went flying off the treadmill into Ondreaz, knocking him off his feet. Tony and I bursted into pits of laughter as the two tangled boys tried to recover. Groans filled the space and it only caused us to laugh harder.

The room went quiet when we noticed that Michael and Ondreaz were back on their feet. Clearly they weren't in the happiest of moods from that little incident and their faces show clear indication that they were ready for revenge.
"Hey hey, you boys wouldn't hurt me." I started to back away as the two of them slowly stalked towards me with deathly looks. I came to the end when Tony grabbed my body. "Lopez don't betray me now! We are on the same team!"

I thrashed around in his grip as I was grabbed by Ondreaz and thrown over his shoulder.
"The pool?"
"The pool."
Yep, definitely shouldn't have told them the gym have a pool. "No! Please forgive me! I didn't mean harm." I whimpered, begging for forgiveness. "Kyle help me!" Of course that bastard sat laughing at me as he watched them take me to the pool. My body thrashed more as we closed in on the pool area. Michael opened the door and I started to bang my fist against Ondreaz back harder and harder with every hit. I knew he could feel it but he just ignored it.
"Throw her in Ondreaz." Michael ordered, the four of us by the edge of the pool. I was screaming, anticipating the moment Ondreaz throws me over his shoulder and into the cold water. There's a reason why no one uses the gym pool, because it's really fucking cold. The temperature gage is broken and the owner can't be bother to fix it.
"Yeah do it." Tony snickered and I gasped.
"You traitor! I'll kill you!" I let out my last screeching threat towards Tony before my body was swallowed by the icy water.

Thought I was drowning at first, my arms were so numb that I didn't even want to move them, but I used my feet to push off the bottom of the pool. Resurfacing, I was met with three smug faces. I couldn't let them have the upper hand and I can't let them think they beat me. Time to activate the water works.

Tears pooled in my eyes and my lips quivering, though that was because I was freezing, it added extra effect. I let a loud sob leave my throat and all their proud looks dropped into ones of regret and pity. Idiots. Michael dropped to his knees and grabbed me by my arms pulling me out of the water. I shivered as the air hit my cold skin but continued that shiver to keep up the act.
"Teal I'm so sorry! Please don't cry." He pleaded, hugging my body close. Now he was wet, stupid.
"Teal, hey are you okay? Oh my god, you're freezing." Ondreaz stressed, holding onto my arm. His eyes looked so worried before he ran off, I'm guessing to find something to warm me up.
"I'll get the car ready! We will get her home to the warmth!" Tony added, rushing around to gather our stuff to get ready for a quick leave. As he left, Ondreaz came back with blankets and towels.
"I'm so sorry, did we hurt you?" Michael continued to rub my arms, using the friction to warm me up.

Watching them run around and stress was too good. I really couldn't hold it in, my whole charade went down as my laughter filled the room. Ondreaz and Michael looked confused before realising what had just happened. Ondreaz dropped the blankets and shook his head. Michael on the other hand, well he pushed me back in the pool.


The car ride home was filled Tony being grumpy with me, and myself shivering because I hadn't got out of my cold wet clothes yet. I was wrapped in towels and Ondreaz had the aircon on. He was playing music lowly and I drumming my fingers on the car door as I sang with the song. The boys were talking nonsense, so I let myself doze off and getting lost in the music.
"You're pretty good." Ondreaz spoke up from the front, and I looked up at the mirror to see him smiling back at me.
"Yeah you should make music." Michael suggested, and that sparked my interest.
"Thanks." I mumbled, pretending to be unbothered by their compliments.

Really that was what I've been wanting to hear for the longest time. I've wanted to make music since I was a little girl, and almost pursued it until I met Ryan. It delayed the process a bit because I wanted to focus on our relationship. Then I suggested it to him and he told me it was a bad idea. That in this music industry you need to be at a certain level of talent to actually make it. Didn't really make sense to me, but it definitely broke my spirit. He had arguments about how if I went on tour he would miss me, but that all drowned out when he said the first words.

Maybe I was meant for this.


notteal should i make music ??

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

notteal should i make music ??

emmachamerlain 1000000000x yes
notteal hehe i knew i had your support

justmaiko you don't believe me huh?
notteal i needed second opinions, plus i don't listen to enemies.
justmaiko :p

k0uvr oh for sure

charlidamelio yes please, your voice is 👏🏼👏🏼👌🏽
      ↳ notteal my love 🥰

patrickhuston no
rrryan liked!

rrryan if you wanna 🤷🏽‍♂️

username if you don't i'll off myself

lopez_tony shut up ugly
     ↳ notteal 🥰🥰🥰

ondreazlopez do it pussy

zane yes! yes! yes!
     ↳ notteal miss you king💜

dixiedamelio 100% would listen

amandapavillard please do angel ❤️

itsmikeymurphy yooooooooo!!!!!

oliviarouyre definitely!!!

notteal ^^ emma sent you didnt she
     ↳ amandapavillard maybe
         ↳ oliviarouyre no
            ↳ itsmikeymurphy yes

username leave it to mikey to give it away

view all 4261......


i could hear some of you yelling at the start
hehe 🤪🤪

freaky | ondreaz lopezTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang