"You should go and scrub in for that surgery." Yvonne slightly smiled adoringly staring up at Jackson. "I should go and talk to Meredith."

Jackson nodded, placing one last kiss on her forehead before walking off towards the O.R, hoping that Mark waited to start.

Taking in the sight of the busy hospital, the blonde wanted to start working right away already, but she knew that a lot of people weren't going to allow her. Not yet.

"Those were some big goo-goo eyes?" A voice piped up behind Yvonne with a tone of sarcasm.

When turning around the Grey sister was met with the small brown-skinned woman giving her a polite smile.

"Miranda, need something?" Yvonne frowned placing her hand on her stomach but as soon as Miranda frowned she removed the hand.

"No? Just checking up on one of my favorite colleagues who's standing here alone?" Miranda said like it was obvious as she and Yvonne were the only ones conversating where they stood. "Do you need anything?"

"I need Meredith. Do you know where she is by any chance?" Yvonne leaned back against the nurse's desk as Miranda accepted a chart from a nurse.

"Last time I saw her was in on-call room 2 with Yang," Bailey mumbled as she was too concentrated on the papers in her hands.

"Thanks." The blonde female whispered when strolling towards the small room her sister was supposed to be wasting some of her time, waiting on a page for an urgency.

Softly placing her knuckles on the door Yvonne knocked, waiting for a response or someone who would yell 'occupied'.

Meredith opened the door, as soon as she saw Yvonne standing she motioned for her to come in before she closed the door.

"If it isn't Cinderella?" A sarcastic voice spoke up shortly when Yvonne was met by Christina sitting on the top bed with a small bowl of candy in her lap and a teasing smile covering her lips.

"You're here too?" Yvonne wondered, watching the Cardio surgeon nod at her. "Well, I need to speak to Meredith."

Meredith her eyes darted toward her younger sister with concern. Concern was always the first thing that would fill her body when Yvonne said they needed to talk.

"Well, when I saved you from that bullet next to your heart and you were in a coma, I told you that I was your person too, I'm staying." Christina got up from the bed and came down, standing next to Meredith.

"Okay, could you two just sit down while I say what I want to say?" Yvonne nervously smiled, running a hand through her blond locks while Meredith and Christina just shared a frown before sitting down on the bed.

"Listen you are freaking me out, normally you're innocent and quiet Grey now you're creepy and nervous Grey." Christina rambled folding her hands in her lap, seeing Yvonne's nervous state.

"If you'd be quiet for a minute then she could finally say what's wrong," Meredith mumbled, throwing a short glare in Christina's way. "Tell us what's wrong, Eve."

"So, both of you know I'm dating Jackson, right?" The blonde girl questioned, fiddling with the bracelet around her wrist.

"Meredith's bed practically smells like you, so yeah we do." The Korean woman shrugged her shoulders before getting a nudge from Meredith. "Sorry."

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