"Um nothing really, I'm working on a project with a cute deaf guy" Aubrey stated.

"Oouu a cute deaf guy, do you like him?"

"I don't really know him but he's kinda cool from the conversations we've been having, what about your love life?" Aubrey said wanting to change the topic.

"Well I kind of have a boy and girl right now" she said

"So you're being a whore?" Aubrey asked laughing

"No, they just both have qualities that the other is missing and I can't choose between the two and the girl is kind of biphobic so I don't see it lasting with her but I really like her"

"How's she biphobic?"

"She doesn't want to be in a relationship with me because she thinks I'll cheat on her with a guy, but like I can be loyal in a relationship"

"Well you talking to a guy at the same time as her really isn't going to help your case Raven" Aubrey stated

"I said I'm loyal in relationships, any other time I'm fair game" she said shrugging.

"So what's wrong with the guy?"

"He's so nonchalant, I hate that, I need someone to care if I'm mad" She said

"Looks like you have some choosing to do"

"No, they have choosing to do, may the first person to cuff win"

"Wow must be nice to have options" Aubrey stated.

"You could have options if you'd stop turning guys down and go to social functions" Raven said truthfully. Aubrey was always being hit on and flirted with but felt to awkward to flirt back. As for parties her anxiety wouldn't allow her to go to them.

"I'd stop turning them down if they weren't assholes, I attract the worst type of guys Ray" Aubrey explained.

"Maybe you should start approaching the guys you want, shoot your shot girl" she suggested.

"Yeah, no" Aubrey said. She was too afraid of rejection and was not bold enough for that.

"Why not, you're pretty, smart, creative, any nigga should be grateful to have you"

"Well when I meet a guy maybe I'll take that advice but until then, I'll remain alone" she said shrugging.
"Josiah I'm just saying I want more than just sex from you"

"And I'm saying I don't want more than sex from you Shia"

"Well I don't want to have sex at all anymore" she said getting up.

"Fine with me"

"You're just going to let me walk out"

"Yes, were you expecting a chase from me?" He asked.

Josiah was typically a nice guy but he was also very nonchalant when it came to people he didn't really care about. Him and Shya had only been having sex for a month and she was getting annoying to him anyways.

Once she'd left, Josiah took his hearing aids out and began to draw. In a way he was happy to be deaf, it was easy to shut the world out. He found himself more at peace when he was alone and doing what he liked most, drawing.

After a few hours, he was finally finished with the logo for their business. He was happy with it so he decided to send a picture of it to Aubrey, wondering what her thoughts on it would be.

Aubrey- wow so you actually can draw, I like how you did it wish I would've come up with something as creative.

Josiah- you finished yours?

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