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Laura threw a handful of popcorn into her mouth, some pops fell off when she laughed at another hilarious Kevin Hart joke. She had billions of things to catch up on. Movies, music, books and trends. A year in the hospital would do that to you. She took a sip of her fanta then pooled more popcorn into her stretched mouth.

There were different type of snacks and drinks laid out on the center table and many more in the fridge. It was girls night and Laura was excited. Lola, Bola and Mary were coming over for a sleepover without the kids around.

The overnight get-together was Laura's idea after Bola had told her about her miscarriage and Lola's news about she and Kevin's divorce. Laura knew her girls needed a night without the world. The only lady free from drama was Mary and that made her the most important guest, she was assigned to make sure the girls don't get drunk and do something stupid.

Mary didn't care about her job, she was more excited than anyone else. All of them were ecstatic when Laura invited them, they needed a break.

Laura needed a break too.

It has been two months since she spoke to her husband. Ever since his mother's burial he became a shell. They had met a few times but it was like he wasn't ready to open the door he had shut on her face. He was staying at a different apartment while Laura stayed in the mansion with Katherine. He came over to spend time with Katherine and Laura made herself scarce whenever he did. Laura didn't know if there was going to be a divorce or if he still loved her or if she should wait forever. She had so many questions which only her inner thoughts were allowed to hear. She knew how she felt about the sexy Doctor Nath would never dissolve. Laura had a whole life she recently remembered, she was a new person in every sense but without the certainty of her love life. She was lost and incomplete.

Her treacherous worries helped her with nothing so she busied herself with work and her village.

She had made decisions in the past months that she was proud of. There had been a huge welcome party, masterminded by her bestfriend, in her office. Laura noticed both the little and extreme changes which was great for business. The company's ratings had increased, new brands of cosmetic had been launched and her ventures were prominent.

Two weeks after resuming as the CEO of Naomi Cosmetics, she made her bestfriend a partner in her company. Every outstanding report she got had her bestfriend's signature and it was glorious to have a great friend who could help her grow while she was fighting for her life.

Her second best decision was to sign over her lands in the North where Musabi villagers once lived to her godfather. She made him a co-owner, she had the higher percentage as she couldn't fully bring herself to give out her family heritage completely. Regardless, Yinka had been astonished and ridiculously grateful. He had proposed to her mother, Sandra, a month ago. It was a proposal at the beach, it was actually a private beach owned by Jonathan. It was the first time Laura ever saw her mother so happy with no other drowning expression.

Naomi's death had affected everyone in different ways. Katherine had suffered nightmares for weeks till she began to see a child therapist. Katherine still missed her grandmother but she was more open about her feelings and she smiled more. Although there were times she would unconsciously talk about her grandmother in the present tense. The therapist informed them not to correct her rather they should flow with her manner of speech.

Laura knew nothing in her life was going to remain the same. Her daughter's grandfather had slaughtered her people and traumatized his family. Her daughter's uncle had killed her grandmother and kidnapped her.

Those men were also connected to Jonathan and that was another major rift in their relationship.

Did they even have a relationship?

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