one last day pt.1 (jay + nya)

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one last day pt. 1 (jaya)
{ 1000 + words }
in which jay and nya spend one last day together.


one more day, actually, less than that, that's all i have left with her.

tomorrow i'll be moving far away.

i got the acceptance letter from the academy a week ago. they want me there as soon as possible. i've booked the flight, its 12 hours long.

nya doesn't know. how could she? i haven't told my girlfriend yet. i don't think i will, i think its easier that way. i remind myself that we'll see eachother again, some day, even if for now we'll be countries and an ocean apart.

so we have six hours before we never see eachother again. how do we spend it?

i pick her up outside of her house, she's wearing a large red sweater that's tucked into a short black skirt. her silky black hair falls in front of her face and behind her ear, revealing dark blue earrings.

she hops in the passenger seat of the car that i've already sold to my neighbor. most of my belongings i gave away or donated. my apartment now belongs to someone else.

"where are we going?" she asks, i realized i haven't told her yet. the sun hangs low in the sky, i regret not calling her sooner.

"you'll see." i smile, glancing at her for a split second before focusing back on the road.

i'm an awful person.

we've been together for over a year now. i'm about to break her heart and i can't even do it to her face.

i'm hoping this will be a quiet break up, that overtime she'll forget about me and we can go our own ways. but at the same time i hope she'll wait for me to return.

i'm taking her to a field. boring and cliché. i know, but it's where we had our first date. it only seems fair that it should be where our last is as well.

the car ride is filled with small conversation, nya smiles while recalling some stupid thing her cat did earlier.

we stop for ice cream, she gets a scoop of cherry and i select strawberry. this is her favorite ice cream place. we're on the outskirts of the city, the air is clean and fresh.

the sun began setting as we got back in my car, by now nya knows that we're going to watch the stars. she scolds me for not telling her and complains that she's going to be cold now. i toss her my jacket, she's satisfied.

maybe i'll let her keep the jacket so she won't totally forget about me, it's old anyways.

by the time we reach the infamous field, the sky is painted with swirls of pink and dashes of bright orange. i wish i would've brought some food as i start to feel hungry.

we lay ontop of a purple blanket in front of my car. the field is large and empty, with no trees or light pollution, making it a great place to watch the stars. the cool evening breeze blows past us making me shiver.

"why did you want to come here?" nya asks looking into my eyes. i brush a piece of her hair behind her ear, buying myself time to come up with a normal response. my jacket is wrapped around her slim shoulders.

"i don't know, we haven't been here in a while, and it's beautiful this time of year," i smile. i wish we could stay together, and technically we could have, but it's too late now.

"i love you," i tell her softly, i genuinely do. she repeats the phrase back to me, we're like broken records. i grab her face gently and pull her into me, our lips meet for a short second.


i can taste the faint artifical flavor left by the ice cream from earlier. i don't want to kiss her again, and i wasn't planning to but she initatied another one. it was longer and deeper, she ran her hands up and down my chest slowly.

nothing. i felt absoultley nothing. maybe i was trying to convince myself that leaving her was ok.

nya pulled away, probably noticing that something was wrong with me. if she did notice, thankfully she didn't comment on it. she laid her head in my lap as the first stars started the appear. the colors in the sky had long faded.

the night sky is beautiful, just like the quiet girl in my lap.

after a moment she opens we eyes and stares directly at me with a big smile. my heart warms, hopefully she'll find someone who treats her better than i did. someone who won't leave her. someone who genuinely loves her.

she begins rambling, her voice is sweet and soft like honey.

i imagine her getting married to another person, her as a mother, the future that we won't be having together. i run my fingers through her hair gently. right now shes mine even if in a few hours she won't be.

we watch the stars shine above together. i want to thank her for everything but the night sky stops me. if only the night sky could talk, maybe it could help me get out of this awful situation i've thrown myself into.

nya starts reflecting on how far we've come since our first date, it's kind of ironic.

it's probably midnight when we leave. nya falls asleep in the car with my jacket over her, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

i wake her up when we reach her house. i walk her to the door.

"sleep well, i love you." i smile as she stands in the doorway.

"see you tomorrow babe." she smiles sleepily.

"thank you, nya." i hug her one last time before leaving for the car. i'm going to miss her a lot, i hope she won't be broken by my absence.

she won't see me tomorrow, i have a flight to catch.

the only shit I know how to write is angst. also this is gross ew

please leave requests, vote and comment !!

i wrote this instead of studying for my college exam haha wish me luck

should i write a part 2???

EDIT : part two is in the works!!

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