Snapchat #6

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Kitty Story

Courtney: aw😩 that's so sweet

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Courtney: aw😩 that's so sweet

Kitty: ik

Emma: aw Ily sis

Kitty: ily2

DJ: that's amazing💕

Kitty: thanks

Bridgette: I love your bond with your sister

Kitty: I know I do to😊
Noah' yo sister is amazing💕😍

Kitty: some one love struck

Noah: what ever
Duncan Story

Noah: what ever____________Duncan Story

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Heather: y'all are addict

Duncan: nah just love good sex

Heather: 🤢

Duncan: what? Gwen text you?

Heather: good one^
Geoff: damn man, again

Duncan: hell yeah

Geoff: is it that good?

Duncan: yeah, and I gonna get so tonight.

Geoff: ok bruh

Gwen: why have her when you can have my bby😉

Duncan: ion want yo wide ass

Gwen: but u do

Duncan I don't though

*Duncan has blocked you*
Mar: wow you rrly Love her

Duncan: yep

Duncan: don't tell but I wanna propose to her

Mar: ok that's amazing 😁

Duncan: I know

Duncan: but keep it on the DL

Mar: mmk man I got u

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