"I'll miss her." she said

"I know Sky." Kai said. He could feel the gaze of everyone around on them. He couldn't draw attention to himself. If word got out that the princess of Arocelli was very very close with a man with slightly brown skin, grey eyes and dread locks, the assassins would most definitely find him.

He let go of her hands.

"I don't think anyone cares Kai." Katherine said. "I make the decision of who I want to be with. I'm the princess remember?"

Kai just smiled at her, the guilt pressing on him to tell her his past. He also knew the Queens advisors would put up a large argument if they figured out she was cozy with him.

They probably wanted her to be sealing things off with a lord or prince somewhere.

"So where to now?" Kai asked.

"I want to see you paint." Katherine said as she pivoted and began walking. Kai stood there shocked as to how the princess got the information. Then he turned back and caught up with the princess who was already heading towards the north wing of the castle where his house was located.

"How'd you even know that?" Kai asked

"I'm the princess Kai." she said with a smug look.

Damn spies

When they got to his house, Katherine began searching everywhere.

"Where do you keep them?" She asked, hands on her waist, in his bedroom.

"This isn't a good idea." Kai said.

"Guardian. Paintings. Now." Katherine said, trying to steel her voice.

Kai groaned his defeat as he reached under the bed and dragged out his recent works and his painting materials. Katherine picked his three works and put them on the bed.

They were neatly pasted against lean boards. One was of her in her secret place, another of the throne room, and another of a ball he had seen in his nightmare last night.

In his nightmare the ball was perched on a stool, shining brightly, and a million voices kept saying the word 'take it'.

Katherine traced the painting of her secret place.

"Kai." she whispered, then turned to look at him, her blue eyes holding emotion. Kai shrugged.

"I try." he said.

"Who would think that the giant sword wielding guardian could paint so well." She said with a mocking smile. "Okay come on, paint me." Katherine said as she sat on a chair.

"Umm I don't think -"

"Come on Kai." she said, giving him a pleading look.

"Okay okay." Kai said as he dropped his sword and set up his painting kit opposite her. He sat on a stool, and began studying her features intensely.

She suddenly grinned widely. Kai laughed as he looked to the floor and rubbed his temple.

"Yeah I don't think this is going to work." he said.

Katherine got up and walked, stopping at his side and glaring down at him with her hands on her waist.

"So what exactly inspires you hmm?" She said. Kai shrugged. "Sometimes the emotion clouding a place sets me off."

Katherine's look suddenly turned devious.

"Emotions you say?" She said.

"Sky?" Kai said. Katherine lifted her light blue gown slightly as she sat on Kai's lap, her leg on both sides of his.

"What kind of emotions do you feel now Guardian?" She said.

"What's the emotion that has to do with wanting someone's lips badly?"

"Mmm that's my kind of emotion."

She leaned in closer and kissed him. They struggled for the lead, which made it rough but undoubtedly pleasurable. She jerked against him causing him to harden.

Kai realized too late he wasn't on a chair as he fell backwards to the floor, Katherine's weight making the impact harder. He made an oof sound.

Katherine lifted off him gently.

"Oh my goodness." she said as she knelt by his side. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I've got an emotion now." Kai said, balancing on his elbows. Katherine began laughing and Kai couldn't help joining her.

After spending a good part of the day in Kai's house talking about several colors of paints and all that, they went to her secret place. She put a phlox flower in his hair and this time he didn't dare say something stupid about it.

He could see the consequence of such action in her eyes.

They stayed there till late. Then Kai escorted the princess back to her house. They stood looking into their eyes, in the foyer.

"Your locks are getting longer." she said, touching his fore locks and then stroking the back. He almost purred.

"I'll see you tomorrow Kai." she said, then kissed him.

Kai smiled as he left the house. There were no nightmare that night as he slept.

Two weeks passed. Lord Jerome, acting King of Arocelli handled the kingdom well. The only problem that rose were two lords arguing over a piece of land.

It was easily settled.

Kai loved every moment with Katherine. She was full of life. He never regretted the decision of becoming her bodyguard. But the truth of his past was a hand on his throat anytime she told him of her past.

Once, they both left the Castle under much pressure from the princess. They had dinner at a small restaurant. It wasn't classy, but it had the best food Kai had ever tasted.

The princess scarfed the most obvious of her traits. Her hair. Then she did her best to conceal her features. In the end she looked like a foreigner.

They snuck out of the castle — not wanting to draw attention — through a secret exit in her secret garden. It was a shock to Kai that he hadn't noticed the only spot without grass in the garden.

It was a tunnel well hidden by earth and snow. It was barely used so it was dirty and dark but they lit a fire and made it through the tunnel to another garden just a distance from the castle gates.

Now Kai lay on his bed. He hadn't had a nightmare in two weeks. He struggled to admit to himself that it was the princess who gave him such a gift.

He fell asleep thinking about Katherine...and woke up to screams.

MALAKAI (The 'Mala Series' book 1)Where stories live. Discover now