Chapter 3

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I am frantic while running through the crowd of passengers. He is okay. I feel the tears running down my cheeks, and I know I look like hell, but I could not care less. I keep running, looking at everyone's face while doing so, and stop dead in my tracks when I spot a familiar face, though it's not the one I was hoping for. Cal. He spots me, and I try to ignore him and walk away calmly, but he already spots me. I am too exhausted to run, too exhausted to fight. I will just tell him that I am not who he is looking for, hoping that he is delusional and will believe it. I might look so awful that he might buy it. "Rose! I've been looking for you!" He speaks in such a skin crawling tone. "I'm sorry, you have the wrong person." I tear my eyes from him and continue walking. I hear him walking behind me, but everything fades from my hearing. Everything fades from my mind, everything fades from the world when my eyes meet beautiful, blue, familiar eyes. Jack. He immediately springs up from him spot on the deck. I run towards him. "Jack! Oh my god, Jack!" I sob. My chest crashes against his. His strong arms wrap around me, and the familiar scent of him fills my scenes. I move my arms around him and sob of joy. I cant hear anything, only his small sobs and mine. His hands move to my hair and he pulls me off of his chest to look at me. His face is filled of joy, yet he's crying. He's as beautiful as I remembered, and I've never been so relieved and happy in my life. "How did you get on a boat? How-" I try to speak, but I begin to cry again, and I wrap my arms around him once more. He holds me for a moment before I decide I can speak. "I hopped on one last minute. The guy didn't even notice." He speaks, his voice like music to my ears and heart. "Oh, thank God. I was so scared. So scared." I sob again. I've never been this emotional. "He pulls me into a hug again. "I love you Jack." I wipe my nose with the back of my wrist. "I love you." And everything is okay again, until I turn around and see my mother, her face twisted in anger.

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