Chapter 3 - A Knight Ashamed

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Bishop Gallen Mbembok slammed his fists upon his desk. He had received the report concerning the potential outlaw magicians that raised all manner of chaos within the streets of his city. The bishop was not unusually large, but being one of the beastmen of the southern realms, he appeared far more intimidating. The bishop was an avian, otherwise known as a bird man. Large brown wings protruded from his back, giving him the image of a giant among men, and when he was angry, the ruffled feathers that covered his body made him appear even larger. His head was that of an eagle, with a menacing glare attached to his piercing gaze.

"Do we know if they are still hiding within the city walls?" Bishop Gallen asked Knight Commander Khadar Chaka. Khadar was a loxo, a beastman otherwise known as an elephant man. The bishop had known him his entire life, and he could never recall a time that Sir Khadar did not tower over every man he came across. Standing nine feet tall and covered in bulging muscles, Khadar always made Gallen feel safe when he was in the room.

"The town guard was just informed of two horses being stolen from the town stable," Khadar said in Galatean.

Gallen spoke their native tongue back to him because he knew it was easier for Khadar to speak. He slammed his desk again. "This is a shame beyond measure. Two outlaws run rampant in the streets, endangering my flock, and then somehow escape from a jail guarded by a dozen Holy Knights and at least four dozen men-at-arms. If the Cardinal Four catch wind of this, my promotion to archbishop may be in jeopardy. Of course something like this would happen so close to our meeting."

"This is not your shame to bear, Your Excellency. It was Knight Captain Talix Aldous who allowed the outlaws to slip through our grasp."

"Of course everyone here knows that, but that is not how the Cardinal Four will see it. Though the Holy Knights swear their fealty to the church as a whole, I am their acting superior so long as they are within my province. I will surely be blamed despite the failure being theirs, unless we handle this matter quickly."

"I will begin mobilizing the knights within the city at once."

"No!" Bishop Gallen snapped. "If we amass a force like that, it will only draw more attention to the situation. The Sentinel Order will be far more discreet and efficient."

"They would have been my first suggestion as well. However, it is my understanding that our Sentinel Supreme and his entire branch are away hunting the Librarian. How can they help us?"

"I will consult with Sentinel Supreme Auron and see what advice he has to give."

"Will your gift of telepathy be able to reach him?"

"I've known Auron for many years. I would be able to contact him almost anywhere so long as he lives."

"Very well, Your Excellency. Shall I leave you to it?"

"Yes, Khadar. You are excused for now."

Khadar bowed as he stood and left the room, shaking the ground with every step. Bishop Gallen opened his desk and pulled a feathered pen from the bottom drawer. This pen was gifted to him by Sentinel Supreme Auron when they first met.

Gallen was born with the talent of telepathy. One of his many skills was the ability to communicate with anyone he could establish a link with. The better Gallen knew that person, the longer the range of their psychic link was. He had used the feathered pen to establish their link long ago, and now he could speak to the Sentinel Supreme from practically anywhere.

He bowed his head and closed his eyes to hone his concentration. A link required that the recipient be willing to receive it, so Gallen would need to wait until the Sentinel Supreme allowed the link to go through. The essence carrying his thoughts to Auron flowed invisibly from his mind, hitting a mental floodgate upon reaching the destination. Gallen could feel the floodgate opening, indicating that Auron was inviting him into his mind.

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