Tremble the New Proxy

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~Hello!!! my name is FlyingTacoKittenz and welcome to my NeW sToRy!!! So i will be trying to update this everyday but if not I promise i will make it up to you peoples so yeah. Please heart and comment, I need your feedback like Tremble needs syrup!!! (You'll get it later) Sorry I don't have a picture of Tremble yet but I hope the description works out, please heart and comment.  G'BYE LOVIES!!!~

I woke up to my beautiful home just like I had for the past month. Choking. Choking on air. I ran around my room shutting all the curtains to block out the sunny day outside. Great another sunny day! Whenever there is a sunny day I always choke on the light that pollutes the air. Litterally. It's one of the perks of being me. I was born with a LOT of ailments. Luckily, where I live right now is always sunny! Note my sarcasm, this is the only place I've ever been where I want the cops to catch up to me. I trudged into the bathroom and shook out my messy hair. When I was little I had extremely long hair in big honey colored waves. Now my hair was dark and cut boy short in the back with a few chin length waves here and there. I blew at the big chunk of hair that almost reached my shoulder covering my right eye. It barely moved an inch. I rolled my eyes and headed back to my bed. I slipped on a grey tank top with my ripped black shorts and combat boots. I was about to grab my bulky backpack of tools when I stated to cough violently. 

I looked at my palm and gasped at the sight of blood. I wiped my hand on my already stained tank and crept over to the window. I didn't dare open it but I could hear a lawn mower in the distance. Just great! First I choke on the sunlight and now I'll be hacking up blood all day thanks to that fresh cut grass. I groaned loudly causing my next project to wake up. She screamed and banged on the walls up in the attic and I laughed. I had a brilliant plan for her. I skipped through the hallway and into the kitchen. I pulled a big jug of syrup from the cabinet and poured myself two big glasses of it. What can I say? Maple syrup is basically the only thing I'll ever eat. 

"Hey Puzzle!" I smiled at my work of art as I sat down on the sofa and turned on the tv. A dead man with chunks of meat cut out of his whole body hung by a noose in the corner of my living room. I call him Jigsaw Puzzle. "What's up, Tiger?" I slung my arm around another work of art sitting next to me. It was another man that I had mutilated a long while ago. I carved his face and chest and arms to resemble a tiger. I even sewed flesh ears and a tail for him. I let him stay on the couch because if I hung him up he'd come apart, as he was already decaying pretty badly. I sighed and drank some syrup. It made me sad how I couldn't keep all my artwork forever, especially since the cops were always chasing me down forcing me to relocate. I have to leave a lot of my work behind each time. I'll probably leave Tiger this next move, I can never stand to see them fall apart completely. 

I slung Tiger's arm over my shoulder and started flipping through news channels. All were fixated on charity or earthquakes but I was only looking for myself. I finally found a channel tuned into my story. "Over fifty people have gone missing in the past year. Almost all of their bodies were found mutilated and left behind in several abandoned hide outs. However, the police have still yet to find the Mutilating Menace, making us question the government's real concern for America's safety." An anchor man spoke. I tried to focus but kept envisioning him carved into a clown. I grinned at my new idea. "However, recently we have caught footage of this menace and you wont believe who it is!" I snapped out of my trance and leaned forward. 

On the screen showed a blurry picture of me running from one of my old houses in the beginning of the year. You couldn't tell my gender but my skin tone, clothes and hair were prominent. I gasped at the next clip. It was security camera footage from a grocery store I visited last week. There I was in my wacky sunglasses buying ten bottles of syrup. I was frustrated because I didn't have the right tools to create Jigsaw Puzzle so I carelessly went out to get syrup before I got some bigger knifes and a saw. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2014 ⏰

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