|| bad news||

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Yoongi is tired. So tired of everything. He just want to disappear. He hates his life.. why?

9 years ago (Yoongi was 10)

Yoongi hasn't always been like this. He had the best life he could possibly imagine when he was younger. He had two wonderful parents he loved so so much. They cared for Yoongi a lot and they made him feel loved. His life was great and he had many good friends at school.
But little did he know that his wonderful life would change.

It was one day Yoongi and his parents were home. His mom was pregnant at that time, and was expecting a child very soon which turned out to be that day.

They had all finished dinner and Yoongi's mom was doing the dishes while is dad had some paperwork to do. Suddenly Yoongi's mom screamed in pain. Both Yoongi and his dad was shocked until they realized that her water broke.

Yoongi's mom and dad rushed to the hospital. Yoongi also wanted to come, but his dad made him stay home. Yoongi was very anxious about his mom. He was scared something would go wrong. But he knew his dad was with her, and there were many good doctors at the hospital, so everything would be fine. He thought to himself.

It had only been 6 hours since his mom and dad left, yet somebody already knocked on his door. He opened the door carefully to see who it was. It was two policemen standing there. Yoongi was very confused of why they were here.

"Uhm, may I help you..?" The little boy said.
"Yes. You're Min Yoongi, am I right?" The policeman said while kneeling down to his height.
The policeman had a very friendly smile.
"Uh yes I am.. w-why are you here?" "D-did I do anything wrong?" Yoongi said, a bit anxious.
"No, not at all" the policeman said. "But you have to come with us to the police station. Something bad has happened that we need to talk to you about"

Yoongi went with them to the police station very confused and a bit scared.. he was wondering what bad that had happened..
when they came to the police station, the police told him the horrible news. His parents were in a car crash. They said that they drove in a very high speed, which made them crash into another car that was also in high speed.

After Yoongi heard the news, everything went black. He couldn't focus more on what the policemen were telling him. All he could think about were his parents. His parents were dead. They were no longer with him.

Yoongi didn't know what to do anymore. What was he going to do without his parents? Where was he going to live?

2 weeks later
Yoongi ended up moving into his grandparents house. To be honest, Yoongi hated it. He got a small room in the second floor. He had to switch schools due to his parents living far away from where he usually lived. At his new school Yoongi had a hard time making friends. He had no one to talk to or be with. Not even his grandparents were there for him. They were often out doing something so Yoongi was often home alone.

His grandparents didn't like him at all. They used to shout at him and tell him that the reason his parents were dead was because of him. They would not only hurt him mentally, but also physically. This made Yoongi's life like hell. And it all continued till where he was now.

19 years old, still abused by his grandparents. He had a hard time at school. He managed to get two friends, Namjoon and Taehyung. Even tho he didn't talk to them so often, he was still glad he had them in his life. They cared for him and always listened to him when he was telling them about his concerns.

But other than that, he had no one else. . .

Let me know what you think so far!! Should I continue this ff??🥺

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